App consuming myTaxi api to show taxi vehicles list on google maps. The list should show all the vehicle data in the bounds of Hamburg (53.694865, 9.757589 & 53.394655, 10.099891).
Endpont to get the vehicles:{Latitude1}&p1Lon={Longitude1}&p2Lat={Latitude2}&p2Lon={Longitude2}
in this case,
"poiList": [
"id": 802714,
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 53.66960373842644,
"longitude": 9.770707237261918
"fleetType": "POOLING",
"heading": 74.56956474495095
"id": 219149,
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 53.39808833026627,
"longitude": 9.800280946838797
"fleetType": "POOLING",
"heading": 65.00681325645445
It's a pretty simple app
Launch app -> view a list of all vehicles( horizontal orientation) -> click view all to see all markers of the vehiclles available -> click a single item to isolate the selected vehicle on the map and zoom to its location -> click map to display the steet name.
val builder = LatLngBounds.Builder()
val locBounds = LatLngBounds(LatLng(53.394655, 10.09989), LatLng(53.694865, 9.75758))
googleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(, 100))
I saved the list of vehicles in case I would need it in another fragment which I didn't so ;-| In the viewmodel,
val vehicles = MutableLiveData<List<Poi>>()
fun setVehicles(poi: List<Poi>){
vehicles.value = poi
- Retrieve the list, I used forEach in place of for loop make the code more concise and add markers at the given locations
mainViewModel.vehicles.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
val data = it
Log.d("TAG", "startMapNewList:$data ")
data.forEach { poi ->
val latitude = poi.coordinate.latitude
val longitude = poi.coordinate.longitude
val location = LatLng(latitude, longitude)
Log.d("TAG", "Location: $location")
Log.d("TAG", "LocationArray:$listLocation ")
listLocation.forEach { place ->
locationMarker = googleMap.addMarker(