Provides a library to create PDFs from html utilising the puppeteer library. Allows for documents with headers and footers as well as cover-page header and footer if need be. Can also merge to documents into one document for output.
npm install caribviper/html-to-pdf
(async () => {
const pdfTemplate = new PdfDocumentTemplate('<b>Hellow World</b>');
const buffer = await pdfTemplate.createPdf(); //returns a buffer
return buffer;
(async () => {
const content = '...'; //any html content
//create documents from sylesheets
const documentStyles: PdfDocumentStyle[] =
//add document styles as plain content
documentStyles.push({ content: `p {font-size: 12pt !important;font-family: 'Times New Roman'!important;}` } as PdfDocumentStyle);
//set up page format
const pageFormat: PdfPageFormat = new PdfPageFormat();
//indicate to display header and footer
pageFormat.displayHeaderFooter = true;
//style header
const styleHeader = `font-size: 11pt !important;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif !important;
margin-left: 56px; margin-right: 56px;
text-align: left;
color: #696969;`;
//style footer
const styleFooter = `font-size: 8pt !important;font-family: 'Times New Roman', Times, serif !important;
margin-left: 56px; margin-right: 56px;
text-align: center;
color: #696969;`;
//set up header and footer templates with the above styles
pageFormat.headerTemplate = new PdfBaseHeaderFooterTemplate(styleHeader, '<p>This is a header: <b>Bold Stuff</b></p>', PdfBaseHeaderFooterTemplate.EMPTY_TAG);
pageFormat.footerTemplate = new PdfBaseHeaderFooterTemplate(styleFooter, `<b>
This is a footer
</b>`, '');
//page size
pageFormat.format = 'Letter'; //A4, Legal etc
pageFormat.hasCoverPage = true; //indicates whether the style has cover page
pageFormat.margins = new PdfDocumentMargins('56px', '60px', '56px', '56px'); //set document margins, can use inches as well
//create template
const pdfTemplate = new PdfDocumentTemplate(content, pageFormat, ...documentStyles);
const buffer = await pdfTemplate.createPdf();
return buffer;