Provides components for the use of a simple set of functions to be utilised throughtout an application.
npm install @caribviper/common
generates a random id for use with objects e.g.: Utilities.getRandomId()
get the property name of the passed property. Property can either string or (model) => TValue) e.g.: Utilities.getPropertyName(('property') Utilities.getPropertyName((x=>
checks to see if a number is numeric e.g.: Utilities.isNumberValid(n) Utilities.isNumeric(n)
Checks if the passed item is a function e.g.: Utilities.isFunction(functionName)
Checks if the passed item is a date e.g.: Utilities.isDate(d)
Checks if the passed date range is valid e.g.: Utilities.isDateRangeValid(start, end)
Joins path segments. Preserves initial "/" and resolves ".." and "." Does not support using ".." to go above/outside the root. e.g.: Utilities.join(path1, path2, path3)
Sorts an array based on the passed properties. Should be used for multiple field sorts. e.g.: Utilities.sortBy(sortArray, {propertyName, descending})
Searches a string for all matches and replaces them with the replacement text. e.g.: StringUtilities.replaceAll(target, search, replacement)
Join a series of string separated by defined character e.g.: StringUtilities.join(':', 'string', 'string2', 'string3') //result 'string:string2:string3'
Capitalize a given value of text. e.g.: StringUtilities.capitalize('boy') //result 'Boy'
Truncates a string to be shown as an ellipse e.g.: StringUtilities.ellipse('This is a sentence', 4, true) //result 'This...'
All assert methods throw an error when validated to false
Asserts whether the value passed is true e.g.: Assert.isTrue(value, 'Not trye', 'Assertion Title')
Asserts whether the value passed is false e.g.: Assert.isFalse(value, 'Not false', 'Assertion Title')
Asserts whether the value is not false/undefined e.g.: Assert.isTruthy(value, 'Not truthy', 'Assertion Title')
Asserts whether the value is not falsey or undefined e.g.: Assert.isFalsey(value, 'Not falsey', 'Assertion Title')
Asserts whether the value passed is a non empty array e.g.: Assert.isNonEmptyArray(value, 'Invalid array', 'Assertion Title')