To be played at the MathSpace event on 6th March,
Download the code and start writing your own strategy or additions to the codebase. Please push anything you work on! Post on the mailing list (!forum/lhs-mathspace) with any questions.
To get started, copy SimpleStrategy (in the Strategies folder) and rename it to your own strategy name in the same directory. The basic task is to implement soldiers_request which is where you decide your move on each turn. Simple examples to look at:
- StaticStrategy
- CopierStrategy
To test your strategy out look at scripts/**
You may need to add the repo directory to your python path, I had forgotten about this, sorry! Update, try running from the repo directory, if that doesnt work add repo directory to python path
On the night we will start by battling 100 soldiers, across 8 fields, and 10,000 runs. The winner will be the one that wins the most games over all 10,000 runs, i.e. a max score of 10,000. People might mess around with other setups afterwards. Suggestions of weighted field values or more/less soldiers/fields
- python2.7
- matplotlib (sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib on linux or equivalent elsewhere)
- numpy (sudo apt-get install python-numpy on linux or equivalent elsewhere)
- progressbar (sudo pip install progressbar on linux or equivalent elsewhere)