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BTCAgent (multi sub-account edition / 多子账户版) v0.9.0-beta for Ubuntu 16.04

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@YihaoPeng YihaoPeng released this 15 May 05:01
· 7 commits to multiaccount since this release


Note: The multi-subaccount edition is currently in beta. The process may be unstable, and it may result in fluctuations in hashrate or inability to mine. We welcome you to use this edition for testing, and provide us with feedback (not only feedback issues. If the program is running well, please tell us too).

However, please pay attention to miners' hashrate and the agent's running status. If there is any problem, please disable the agent and report back to us.

反馈方法 / Feedback:

  1. 在此处提交 Issue / Submit issue on github: (推荐 / Recommend)
  2. 发生邮件到 / Send email to:[email protected]
  3. 加微信 SwimmingTiger 为好友 / Find SwimmingTiger on Tencent WeChat

安装方法 / Install:

# 切换到root用户。后续大部分操作都需要root权限。
# Switch to user root. Most of the following operations require root privileges.
sudo -i

dpkg -i btcagent-multi_user-0.9.0-beta-Ubuntu_16.04.deb
apt-get install -f
systemctl enable supervisor

Service will auto starting.

You may want to modify the pool address:

vim /etc/btcagent-mu/agent_conf.json
例子 / Example:
    ["", 1800]
    ["挖矿地址", 端口]
    ["stratum server address", port]

Restart the service to make it effective:

supervisorctl restart btcagent-mu

现在,可以让矿机连接到 这台机器的IP:3334 进行挖矿了。
Now, the miner can be connected to this host's IP:3334 for mining.

This edition does not need to set a sub-account name in the agent_conf.json. The agent will automatically use the sub-account name set by the miner.

更多操作 / More operation:

  • 编辑配置文件 / Edit config file:
    vim /etc/btcagent-mu/agent_conf.json
  • 启动 supervisor (BTCAgent的守护服务) / Start supervisor (daemon service of btcagent):
    service start supervisor
  • 重启BTCAgent / Restart btcagent:
    supervisorctl restart btcagent-mu
  • 停止BTCAgent / Stop btcagent:
    supervisorctl stop btcagent-mu
  • 显示服务状态 / Show service status:
    supervisorctl status
  • 显示日志 / Show logs:
    tail -F /var/log/btcagent-mu/*INFO
    less /var/log/btcagent-mu/*INFO
  • 统计矿机连接数(估算值) / Count connections:
    netstat -antp | grep btcagent-mu | wc -l