File IO function block for Beckhoff TwinCAT PLC based loosely on C# System.IO static file methods:
- WriteAllText, WriteAllLines, WriteAllBytes
- AppendText, AppendLines
- ReadAllText, ReadAllLines, ReadAllBytes
- CheckExists, CopyFile, DeleteFile, GetSize
Programmed in version 4024.
Repository contains the portable FB as PLCOpen XML, along with a project to demonstrate use.
Example write:
fbFileIO : FB_FileIO;
sTestWrite : STRING(255);
bWriteAllText : BOOL;
sWritePath : STRING := 'C:\TestFile.txt';
// -----
IF bWriteAllText THEN
sTestWrite := 'Write this string to a file. $N';
// Write Text
IF fbFileIO.WriteAllText(sWritePath, sTestWrite) THEN
bWriteAllText := FALSE;
Example read:
fbFileIO : FB_FileIO;
sTestRead : STRING(255);
bReadAllText : BOOL;
sReadPath : STRING := 'C:\TestFile.txt';
// -----
IF bReadAllText THEN
// Read Text
IF fbFileIO.ReadAllText(sReadPath, sTestRead) THEN
bReadAllText := FALSE;