Hi there 👋, I'm Fariol Blondeau!
Software Developer, graduate in computer science at Russia's University State of Ivanovo.
Welcome to my slice of the internet 🍕. I am an enthusiastic software developer focusing on front-end development, with a strong foundation in Javascript and React. I've contributed to some open-source projects like Webncyclopaedia and AskDevs.
You can find me between all those contributors.
Feel free to connect with me for all things tech or to say hello! Let's shape the future of tech together. 🌟
- 🛠 I’m currently working with TS, React, NextJs, Astro, etc.
- 🚀 I’m currently exploring Prompt Engineering, NodeJS.
- 💬 Ask me anything here! I am happy to help.
- 👾 Fun fact: Equal is Not Always Equal in JS true
[] != []
🤣. - 📫 Reach me out: [email protected].
- 💻 I love exploring new technologies and building cool stuff.
- 📰 Reading, writing & watching Tech Stuff whenever possible.
- 🍕 Meetups & Tech Events & Hackathons.