A node.js script which spawns a http server which returns a iCal file
You can find a demo of this program on https://www.broodrooster.dev/windesheim/api/
First, install all the needed dependencies
npm install moment ical-generator request
Then, run the index.js file
node index
Lastly, open a webbrowser with the following address (replace CLASSCODE with your classcode)
A save prompt will open which you can use to either save the .ics file or import it into your favourite program!
You can also use the following options for Subject or Teacher Schedule
For docker usage use the following command to build your docker image
docker build -t <your username>/windesheimtoical .
After building your docker image use the following command to run the image
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d <your username>/windesheimtoical