Spring Boot + Spring Social + Spring Security + Spring Session example
- Github
- Kakao
IntelliJ -> Open -> build.gradle
Open IntelliJ Preference
- Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler
-> Check 'Make project automatically'
- Run main() on ApplicationInitializer Class
- the each of sample social applications is registered as oauth redirect domain to http://social.test.com:8080
- you must set host [ social.test.com] and open browser with 'http://social.test.com:8080' url.
- Java 8
- Spring Boot 1.3.0.M2
- Spring Social 1.2.0
- Spring Security 4.0.1.RELEASE
- Spring Session 1.0.1.RELEASE
- Gradle 2.4
- Spring-Social-Kakao : https://github.com/bongki/spring-social-kakao
- Freemarker Template Inheritance : https://github.com/kwon37xi/freemarker-template-inheritance