Customer Milestone #1 Pre-release of the software
The developed software so far should be prepared according to good practices
(e.g., documentation, tests, etc.) and committed to the repository appropriately (e.g., merged
with pull requests, reviewed before a merge, containing good commit messages).
The software must be dockerized and deployed.
Create a pre-release version (see…
The developed software so far should be prepared according to good practices
(e.g., documentation, tests, etc.) and committed to the repository appropriately (e.g., merged
with pull requests, reviewed before a merge, containing good commit messages).
The software must be dockerized and deployed.
Create a pre-release version (see of the software that marks this version:
Release Name: 0.1.0-alpha (pre-release option)
Release Description: Brief description of requirements that are covered
Tag name: customer-milestone-1
The release should include the Android package file ( .apk ).
All instructions for building and running the software should be provided, including the
Docker build instructions and environment variables, if any. A fresh programmer who is
fluent with various programming tools but not Docker itself nor the project should be able
to do the deployment (for both web and mobile) by just following the given steps.