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User Manual for Frontend

Hasan Kerem Şeker edited this page Dec 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

User Manual

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  • Login by providing a username and password and clicking login if you already registered.


  • If not registered, register by providing your full name, email, and proficiency level, and pick a password and a username. You can upload an image but it is optional.

Screenshot from 2024-12-20 20-18-57 The homepage contains quizzes related to your interests.

Screenshot from 2024-12-20 20-19-31 The homepage contains forum questions related to your interests.

Screenshot from 2024-12-20 20-20-06 The homepage allows you to pick new interests and delete existing interests.

Screenshot from 2024-12-20 20-21-44 The homepage's network part shows forum questions from the users you follow.

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  • The quizzes page contains various quizzes suited for your proficiency level. You can take them by clicking the take quiz button.

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  • You can create a new quiz by clicking create new quiz button from the previous page. You need to provide a title description and quiz type. You can add tags to make it easier to be found by other users.

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  • First, you need to enter a text to create a question. Later you will be asked to pick the correct option then you need to add the wrong options. You can shuffle the ordering of the options.

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  • You can provide a hint for the question. This can be a synonym, definition, or image fetched by Turquiz or a custom synonym, definition, or image provided by the user. You can add more questions by clicking the add question button. You can submit the quiz when you are satisfied.

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  • After clicking the start quiz button you will see the question. Pick an option and then check the answer. The system will provide an immediate feedback.

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  • After clicking finish quiz you can go back to all quizzes or review the quiz.

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  • You can view forum questions on the forum page. You can click a question for more details. You can search forum questions based on tags or sort them based on the defined filters or you can create a question.
  • You can add a forum question by clicking on the "New Forum Question" button on the top right corner.

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  • You can provide a title and question details here. Both are required. Optinally, you can upload a photo or search for a tag in both English or Turkish, with the help of the switch next to the input.
  • When you search for a tag, you'll see the results matching you search query. There might be multiple words with the same visible text. You can choose a tag among them.

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  • You can see all of the avaiable achievements under /achievements route. It will display the ones you earned the ones you haven't yet if you are logged-in.

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  • You can see the Leaderboard under /leaderboard. You will see the list of users sorted by their TP (Turquiz Points).

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  • You can see your profile under /profile. It will redirect you to /profile/:your-username. If you want to go someone else's profile with the username "username" You can do so by navigating to /profile/:username.
  • Your profile will display the number of followers and followings you have, a form to change your English Proficiency, the tags you are interested in, the achievements you have earned (up to 5).
  • In the below sections, you can see the forum questions you have bookmarked, the quizzzes you have taken.
  • You can engage with the forum questions: Upvote, Downvote, Unbookmark, Delete (If its a post of yours)
  • You can Review or Re-attempt a quiz you have taken.

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  • You can see the number of people you have blocked in the Turquiz app. You can open the dialog menu to display the people you have blocked.
  • You can navigate to the profile of these people or Unblock directly from this dialog popup.

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