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Furkan Bülbül CMPE 451 Milestone 1 Individual Contribution Report

Furkan Bülbül edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Member: Furkan Bülbül

Group: Group 1 - Disaster Response Platform


  • Deciding the backend tech stack.
  • Learning the backend tech stack.
  • Creating the project plan of the project for the whole semester.
  • Designing and reviewing the database relations with Ali and Volkan.
  • Reviewing mockups for the mobile team with the mobile team
  • Implementing the features of responders interacting with Action and Task.
  • Preparing deliverables of Milestone 1 with the team.
  • Reviewing the pull requests of backend team.

Main contributions:

  • Code-related significant issues:

    • I implemented the API for responder features. We wanted go ahead implement the endpoints that will be needed by client beforehand because when the client developing the features we wanted them to use our endpoints instead of the dummy ones. Since responder interacts with Action and Tasks, I implemented those entities' functions that will be used by responder.
      Issue(s): #296
    • I created the initial database design visually on a website called ''. Later, revised and finalized it with Volkan and Ali. While we create the database relations, we visited the class diagram and decided the modifications that will be done by Volkan.
      Issue(s): #259
    • After implementation of Action and Task Services, unit tests should have been added too. I implemented those to test whether they work fine or not.
      Issue(s): #337
  • Management-related significant issues:

    • We had discussion to decide the backend tech stack. As the most of the backend team was familiar with Java/Spring Boot, we wanted to use it.
      Issue(s): #247
    • I created the backbone of the project plan and as a team, we discussed and filled the project plan.
      Issue(s): #260
    • I updated the RAM by adding my contributions.
      Issue(s): #268
    • Revised the UML diagrams and prepared them for Milestone 1 deliverables with Volkan. We already had updated the class diagrams to create database design, so sequence and use case diagrams were revised to complete the UML diagrams.
      Issue(s): #242, #243, #244

Pull requests:

  • My Pull request(s):

    • #304 - Implemented the Action and Task Services (Controller, Repository) with the needed endpoints such as creating task, action, accepting task, rejecting task, etc.

    • #343 - Implement units tests for action-task.

  • PRs reviewed and merged by me:

    • Initial codebase of backend.
    • Authentication of a user with JWT.
    • User service unit tests.
    • Unit tests for authentication service.
    • Unit tests for need and resource services.

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