Simple application to deploy in kubernetes with basic configuration files and a helm chart.
The application consiste of serving a simple file "index.html" with apache. Deploying this application will generate three replica-set which can be modified inside the deployment.yaml
or just run kubectl scale deployment "deployementname" --replicas=x
where x
is the desired pod number.
In order to deploy this application you need first to build the docker image:
- Clone this project and run inside the project
docker build -t image-name:tag .
- Push the generated docker image to your docker registry.
- Change the image name isnide the
to match the generated docker image.
To deploy this application with basic configurations files run the following commands:
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml -n yournamespace
kubectl create -f svc.yaml -n yournamespace
This chart was only tested with helm v3
, to use it run : helm install ./hello-world --name-template=deploymentname -set image.repository="yourimage" --set image.tag="yourtag"
or change manualy the image name and tag in templates/deployment.yaml
to match the generated docker image.
This application was tested in OKD 3.11 (Openshift origin), no extra configuration is needed if you're running on OKD, you need only to create a route for the service to be able to access it from outside the cluster.
If you don't have a Loadbalancer in your cluster you may consider using NodePort
or install a LoadBalancer like MetalLB to your cluster.
To deploy new version of the application with no down time you need only to patch the deployment to point to the new docker image.
In case you want to rollback to a previous version use:
kubectl rollout history deployment "yourdeployement
to check all the available version.
kubectl rollout undo deployment hello-world --to-revision=x
where x
is the desired version.