Handles labels (jump references), variables, direct register accessing and so on.
to compile after the changes to some file were made./compileHACK.out rect/Rect.asm
to compile the fact (in this examplerect/Rect.asm
is compiled).
Hack Machine Language - 16-bit Turing complete machine language that supports two types of commands:
- A command, that features loading address in A (address register of Hack CPU) registers and simultaniosuly accesses M register (memory register of Hack CPU).
- B command, that allows to perform arithmetical and logical operations on register's data, as well as handles different jump conditions (that are supported in hardware). To convert B commands uses such mapping:
If you want to get more info on that, consider reading https://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cyy/courses/introCS/20fall/lectures/handouts/lec08_HackML.pdf