- By Hashtag -> Top Posts , All Posts, Comments and replies for posts
- By Username -> All Posts, Comments and replies for posts
Note: You can also get information such as if its verified profile , ad post , if video , video url , video duration . video views , HD image of post images
- create a virtual environment and install the libraries from requirement.txt file
- Create a empty folder called "Datasets" . The data will get saved in that folder .
- Add a proxy in the api.py to run the code . Please note that the code is designed to scrape unlimited data without any rate limit restrictions so we are not logging in as a user and we will be using proxy to change IP addresses continuosly so that we won't get blocked . So this code will not work without a proxy.
- You can modify the code to run without proxy . But then you will not be able to scrape posts by username or get advanced user details for any posts which you scrape by hastags ( unless you login )
- Create a new python file add following code to scrape by hashtags
import instagram as insta
count = insta.get_posts_hashtags('hashtag','pepsi', None)
# type of data to scrape => hashtag
# hastag to scrape => pepsi
# start year to scrape => None , you can add python timestamp
# This will scrape top posts , all posts without comments and replies
# comment below line get_comments_replies() before running code
get_comments_replies('hashtag', 'pepsi')
# comment above line get_posts_hashtags() before running code
# The code is not pipeline so you need to run by commenting it .
# You will get comments and replies for all posts hashtags amd top posts hastags .
# You will also get user bio details
- Create a new python file add following code to scrape by posts
import instagram as insta
count = insta.get_posts_username('username','thenameisyash',None)
# type of data to scrape => username
# user to scrape => thenameisyash
# start year to scrape => None , you can add python timestamp
# This will scrape user posts without comments and replies
# comment below line get_comments_replies() before running code
# comment above line get_posts_username() before running code
# The code is not pipeline so you need to run by commenting it .
# You will get comments and replies for posts by user
Please feel free to optimize the code and contribute to the code by sending a pull request .