HTML scaffold w/ javascript
Body onload
Alert a message
Change the message around, try a confirm() instead
Define a function w/ an alert and call it
Create a variable for alert text
Add a parameter to the function for alert text
Make other functions that alert different text
- Add element to the dom with an id
- Fill in text on the element instead of an alert box
- Make an array of messages, loop over them calling your function to display them all
- Change the array to numbers, have function insert the number amount of the | symbol for each line
- It's a bar chart!
Make canvas element
Draw a rectangle
Write a rectangle function
Call function multiple times
Change the rectangle color and position
Show how to add size param, have them add more params (x, y, w, h, color)
Start w/ basic bar-chart data
Loop over data rows, calling rectangle function
Rectangle function only takes x and y value, automatic x position based on x, fixed width, height by y, start on baseline
Try setting up different colors and picking a color based on x
Add a legend and a title
x and y axes