This project is a simple, android mobile-oriented, 3D OpenGL ES 2.0 based game engine developed inside of the Android Native Development kit, written primarily in C++
This engine was written specifically for a game
- This is why no general 3D physics engine is included, and why other common game engine features are missing (i.e. a particle system, lighting/shadow rendering)
- Skeletal 3D Animations
- Parenting objects to skeletal animation bones
- (i.e. parenting the camera to a head bone for first person animations)
- Custom GLSL shader/material support
- Skybox rendering support
- Supports 3D stereo R/L volume panning
- (i.e. sounds playing from a source nearby on the camera's left hand side will be played through the left speaker)
- Supports 3D audio falloff
- (i.e. sounds playing further away are quieter than nearby sounds)
- Includes JNI (Java Native Interface) support
- This allows you to create Java code snippets and execute them from within the C++ game code
- Meant for implementing in-app purchases
- Mobile banner ad support
- Achieved through JNI, this allows a banner ad to be overlayed on top of the opengl game view
- Banner ad can be made visible / hidden from within the engine C++ code
Utilizes OpenGL ES 2
Utilizes OpenSL for sound engine
Custom Skeletal animation format (*.skaf)
Custom Skeleton structure format (*.sksf)
Custom Skeletal Model Format (*.skmf)
Allows each vertex to have:
up to 3 bone weight influences
1 set of UV coordinates
vertex normals, tangents, and binormals
Custom Static Model Format (*.stmf)
Allows each vertex to have:
2 sets of UV coordinates
One meant for a diffuse texture, the other meant for a lightmap texture atlas
vertex normals, tangents, and binormals
Utilizes ETC1 Compressed texture format (*.pkm)
This allows me to simply pass along the image data directly to the GPU without the need for modification
The tradeoff is that this format only supports RGB channels, and has some (slight) compression artifacts
Utilizes raw headerless Sound format (*.raw)
16-bit depth stereo files, at 44100 Hz