The samples in this project demonstrate several uses of Amazon QLDB.
You need to set up your AWS security credentials before the sample code is able
to connect to AWS. You can do this by creating a file named "config" at ~/.aws/
for Windows users) and saving the following lines in the file:
aws_access_key_id = <your access key id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your secret key>
region = us-east-1 <or other region>
Alternatively, us the AWS CLI and run aws configure
step through a setup wizard for the config file.
See the Security Credentials page for more information on getting your keys.
The examples are written in Java 8 using the Gradle build tool. Java 8 must be installed to build the examples, however the Gradle wrapper is bundled in the project and does not need to be installed. Please see the link below for more detail to install Java 8 and information on Gradle:
The sample code creates a ledger with tables and indexes, and inserts some documents into those tables, among other things. Each of the examples in this project can be run in the following way:
gradlew run -Dtutorial=CreateLedger
./gradlew run -Dtutorial=CreateLedger
The above example will build the CreateLedger class with the necessary dependencies and create a ledger named:
. You may run other examples after creating a ledger.