This is a library for working with the AXI4 protocol in Blarney. It supports development of AXI4 components (managers, subordinates, and stream processors), interfacing with existing AXI4 components written in other languages, and connecting AXI4 components together. It is in the early stages of development.
To use the library, add blarney
and blarney-axi4
as package
dependenices to your project's .cabal
file. Also tell cabal where
to find these packages in your project's cabal.project
file. See the
AXI4 memory-mapped register
component for a complete
example of how to do this.
AXI4 interface parameters shared by managers and subordinates are
captured by the AXI4_Params
type constructor:
AXI4_Params :: Nat -- Id width (bits)
-> Nat -- Address width (bits)
-> Nat -- Data width (log bytes)
-> Nat -- AW user width (bits)
-> Nat -- B user width (bits)
-> Nat -- AR user width (bits)
-> Nat -- R user width (bits)
-> AXI4_Params_Kind
Individual parameters can be selected from a type of kind
using the following type families.
IdWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = id
AddrWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = a
LogDataBytes (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = d
AWUserWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = awu
WUserWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = wu
BUserWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = bu
ARUserWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = aru
RUserWidth (AXI4_Params id a d awu wu bu aru ru) = ru
AXI4 managers, subordinates, and shims are then defined as collections of AXI4 channels in various directions:
-- | AXI4 manager
data AXI4_Manager (p :: AXI4_Params_Kind) =
AXI4_Manager {
aw :: Source (AXI4_AWFlit (IdWidth p) (AddrWidth p) (AWUserWidth p))
, w :: Source (AXI4_WFlit (LogDataBytes p) (WUserWidth p))
, b :: Sink (AXI4_BFlit (IdWidth p) (BUserWidth p))
, ar :: Source (AXI4_ARFlit (IdWidth p) (AddrWidth p) (ARUserWidth p))
, r :: Sink (AXI4_RFlit (IdWidth p) (LogDataBytes p) (RUserWidth p))
-- | AXI4 subordinate
data AXI4_Subordinate (p :: AXI4_Params_Kind) =
AXI4_Subordinate {
aw :: Sink (AXI4_AWFlit (IdWidth p) (AddrWidth p) (AWUserWidth p))
, w :: Sink (AXI4_WFlit (LogDataBytes p) (WUserWidth p))
, b :: Source (AXI4_BFlit (IdWidth p) (BUserWidth p))
, ar :: Sink (AXI4_ARFlit (IdWidth p) (AddrWidth p) (ARUserWidth p))
, r :: Source (AXI4_RFlit (IdWidth p) (LogDataBytes p) (RUserWidth p))
-- | AXI4 shim
data AXI4_Shim (ps :: AXI4_Params_Kind)
(pm :: AXI4_Params_Kind) =
AXI4_Shim {
subordinate :: AXI4_Subordinate ps
, manager :: AXI4_Manager pm
Finally, the individual flits carried by the channels are all in the
class and defined as:
-- | Flits carried by AXI4 "AW" write address channel
data AXI4_AWFlit id_bits addr_bits awuser_bits =
AXI4_AWFlit {
awid :: Bit id_bits
, awaddr :: Bit addr_bits
, awlen :: AXI4_Len
, awsize :: AXI4_Size
, awburst :: AXI4_Burst
, awlock :: AXI4_Lock
, awcache :: AXI4_Cache
, awprot :: AXI4_Prot
, awqos :: AXI4_QoS
, awregion :: AXI4_Region
, awuser :: Bit awuser_bits
-- | Flits carried by AXI4 "W" write data channel
data AXI4_WFlit log_data_bytes wuser_bits =
AXI4_WFlit {
wdata :: Vec (2^log_data_bytes) (Bit 8)
, wstrb :: Bit (2^log_data_bytes)
, wlast :: Bit 1
, wuser :: Bit wuser_bits
-- | Flits carried by AXI4 "B" write response channel
data AXI4_BFlit id_bits buser_bits =
AXI4_BFlit {
bid :: Bit id_bits
, bresp :: AXI4_Resp
, buser :: Bit buser_bits
-- | Flits carried by AXI4 "AR" read address channel
data AXI4_ARFlit id_bits addr_bits aruser_bits =
AXI4_ARFlit {
arid :: Bit id_bits
, araddr :: Bit addr_bits
, arlen :: AXI4_Len
, arsize :: AXI4_Size
, arburst :: AXI4_Burst
, arlock :: AXI4_Lock
, arcache :: AXI4_Cache
, arprot :: AXI4_Prot
, arqos :: AXI4_QoS
, arregion :: AXI4_Region
, aruser :: Bit aruser_bits
-- | Flits carried by AXI4 "R" read response channel
data AXI4_RFlit id_bits log_data_bytes ruser_bits =
AXI4_RFlit {
rid :: Bit id_bits
, rdata :: Vec (2^log_data_bytes) (Bit 8)
, rresp :: AXI4_Resp
, rlast :: Bit 1
, ruser :: Bit ruser_bits
Managers and subordinates can be connected together using Blarney's
overloaded makeConnection
function from the Connectable
instance Connectable (AXI4_Manager params)
(AXI4_Subordinate params) where
makeConnection :: AXI4_Manager params
-> AXI4_Subordinate params
-> Module ()