You will need to install the python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install it yourself as:
$ pip install coeus
# define COEUS base host address
c = coeus.COEUS( "uavr", "http://localhost:8080/coeus/")
# execute SPARQL query on COEUS host
# returns RDF::Query::Solution array
c.query('SELECT * {?s ?p ?o}')
# get triples from COEUS knowledge base (
# returns array with binded objects
c.triple('coeus:concept_BBC', 'p', 'obj')
# write triples to COEUS knowledge base (
# returns true if data written
# updates triple in COEUS knowledge base (
# returns true if data updated
c.update('coeus:python_x','dc:title','python_x', 'coeus-python')
# delete triple from COEUS knowledge base (
# returns true if data deleted
# search in free text #ALPHA #TESTING
# returns the triple results'Nanopublications')
# import data into COEUS knowledge base
# returns the result"test_file.rdf", "RDF/XML")
Luis A. Bastiao Silva - bastiao at ua dot pt
Based on (by Pedro Lopes)