Simple library for working with WebPush in python
pip install webpush
import requests
from webpush import WebPush, WebPushSubscription
wp = WebPush(private_key="./private_key.pem", public_key="./public_key.pem")
# example subscription info
subscription = WebPushSubscription.model_validate({
"endpoint": "",
"keys": {
"auth": "...",
"p256dh": "..."
message = wp.get(message='Hello, world!', subscription=subscription), data=message.encrypted, headers=message.headers)
Generate VAPID keys and get applicationServerKey:
Private key saved in public_key.pem
and public key saved in public_key.pem
Application Server Key saved in applicationServerKey
import aiohttp
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from webpush import WebPush, WebPushSubscription
app = FastAPI()
wp = WebPush(
subscriber="[email protected]",
async def get_public_key() -> JSONResponse:
application_server_key = "<generated from vapid-gen>"
return JSONResponse(content={"public_key": application_server_key})"/notification/subscribe")
async def subscribe_user(subscription: WebPushSubscription) -> JSONResponse:
message = wp.get(message="Hello, world", subscription=subscription)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
return JSONResponse(content={"status": "ok"})
- Why do I need another library?
The current python libraries that work with Web Push have been written for a very long time, so they do not support typing, try to support outdated encryption algorithms and pull a lot of deprecated dependencies.
- Why is only
According to the RFC8192, this is the recommended format. At the moment, all modern systems support this encryption.
- Will there be support for other encryption modes?
New, yes, but there are no old ones, for example aesgcm
- Who is this library for?
You need type support, you're writing a modern backend, minimum number of dependencies.
And last one, if you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, feel free to contribute.
- 1.0.0 - initial release