- VS2013 solution containing all the stuff.
This is simply a C++ implementation of the MD5 hashing algorithm.
Existing C++
implementations I have found were unfortunately unclear wrt. their
licensing status, so I decided to find a unencumbered one and polish up that.
I only found a suitable C implementation so I decided to just go, wrap that and polish up the C code to C++ code to my liking.
Because Windows is my habitat, it's implemented as a Windows DLL, but ripping out the code should be a no brainer.
The projects are VS2013Express, because this is written in my free time and that's what I have installed already.
A .NET C++/CLI wrapper for my md5cpp
Actually the Raison d'être for that whole stuff here (also the C++ version).
Found the existing .NET implementation lacking, needed a replacement, didn't find something to my liking, put together my own.
Should be easy to use, now also implements ICryptoTransform.