This is a framework for creating interactive fiction in a classic text adventure style. It is primarily intended for programmers - not for writers!
Heretic.InteractiveFiction intends to return to the old text adventure days of the 1980s and evoke the spirit and mood of the genre.
A documentation based on a manageable, but constantly growing text adventure, which illustrates the capabilities of Heretic.InteractiveFiction, can be found here.
- Multiplayer capability.
- Multilingual capability.
- Game loop included.
- Easy to use classes to bring rooms, items and characters to life.
- A comprehensive set of properties to make the items act in their environment.
- A strong event system to enable the development of extensive game scenarios.
- A fixed set of verbs with a strong parser.
- An abstract subsystem for message printing with a inheritable implementation for the standard console.
- Help and hint system included.
- Fenrir 13 (first published on 1st of April 2022 at the german Interactive Fiction Grand Prix 2022 )
- Completion of all event handlers.
- Completion of grammar.
- Refactoring.
- A small sample adventure to demonstrate the capabilities and their implementation.
- English translation of the basic texts and descriptions.
- MAUI frame.
- Blazor implementation.
- Online platform to provide and play games for free.