A light weighted client side library to enable RUM(Real User Monitoring) for web applications.
Using npm:
$ npm i --save rum-client-js
- How will you compare how my application is performing on different browsers and their versions.
- Which resources are blocking my main thread and increasing first paint/interaction time?
- Are my resources properly encoded and compressed before sending to client?
- How to monitor application performance post deployments? Many more..
// Load the script's in the head section of the page
<script src="./path-to-script/rum-client-js/dist/rum-client.min.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
let RUMObject = new TrackPerformance({
trackUrl: `${window.location.origin}/api/track`, // Endpoint at which collected data is sent
batchSize: 50, // max entry batch size sent to server
threshold: 3000, // in ms
includeHosts: [ // consider entries from these hosts only
excludeHosts: [ // skip entries from these hosts (only works if includeHosts is not given)
parserCb: (entry) => {
// if you want to edit/add extra parameters to each entry
return entry;
filterCb: (entry) => {
// if you want to skip entry collection based on some condition
return true;
addAdditionalData: () => {
// if you want to add common tags for all entries
return {
tags: {
"user-agent": navigator.userAgent,
"app-version": "1.0.0"
excludeKeys: ['nextHopProtocol', 'initiatorType'] // exclude keys from each entry
// If you want to stop tracking manually, use below code
// RUMObject.stop();
Library internally compute and expose below mentioned metrics for each entry.
1. DNS Time - entry.dnsTime
2. Connection time - entry.connectionTime
3. TLS time - entry.tlsTime
4. Time to First Byte (TTFB) - entry.ttfb
5. Fetch Time - entry.fetchTime
6. Worker Time - entry.workerTime
7. Total Time entry.totalTime
8. Download Time - entry.downloadTime
9. Header Size - entry.headerSize
10. Compression Ratio - entry.compressionRatio
11. DOM Content Load Time - entry.DOMContentLoadTime // For entry.entryType === "navigation"
12. Page Load Time - entry.pageLoadTime // For entry.entryType === "navigation"
The collected data will be available at the configured URL (trackUrl). You can use the data points to create UI as per requirements. Below is one such implementation where I have piped the data points to a Data Source(Prometheus) and plotted the metrics against a UI(Grafana)