- A simple implementation of a cryptocurrency in python made on top of blockchain technology.
- It is a simple working blockchain cryptocurrency and to be used as an educational material.
- A blockchain is a digital record of transactions. The name comes from its structure, in which individual records, called blocks are linked together using cryptographic principles in single list, called a chain.
The blockchain network has no central authority.
The information in it is open for everyone to see.
Main Properties of blockchain for its popularity
Take a look at the simple implementation of blockchain. Bcoin is built on top of this blockchain implementation.
Find more information in the original paper.
Take a look at the original bitcoin repository.
Python 3.x
Install Python 3.x and Postman in your local machine.
Install flask and requests through pip(python package installer) in your command prompt.
pip install flask
Clone this repository https://github.com/bharathikannan1311/bcoin.git
After cloning just go into the folder and run the bcoin.py file.
- Example
C:\Users\BHARATHI KANNAN.N\Desktop\bcoin>python bcoin.py * Serving Flask app "bcoin" (lazy loading) * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead. * Debug mode: off * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Then open your postman desktop app and test your application.
- Example
- Running the file will create a node. It will create a genisis block at first and then you can add transactions and mine the block. As a reward for this you will receive some coins.
- Consensus Mechanism -
Proof of work
- Consensus Mechanism -
Running these files seperately will create three nodes in your local machine.
Connect these nodes using the POST request in postman.
Since it is a distributed system if one block mines and update the chain all other nodes should update their chain.
We will replace the chain with the longest valid chain by checking all other nodes otherwise we will not update.
- Blockchain after mining 5 times will be
"chain": [
"index": 1,
"previous_hash": "0",
"proof": 1,
"timestamp": "2020-08-21 12:06:37.449432",
"transactions": []
"index": 2,
"previous_hash": "913cc3fe381c77586eef6355c39a8e7d31b257c4870823a7f8bb2784b12eb9b1",
"proof": 533,
"timestamp": "2020-08-21 12:59:09.199361",
"transactions": [
"amount": "10bcoin",
"receiver": "Receiver",
"sender": "Bharathi"
"amount": 1,
"receiver": "Bharathi",
"sender": "56d710bdb1eb447bb4e3a82c3c32bf5d"
"index": 3,
"previous_hash": "063c0a4b20355ec7a63402ebdb5acd9829fa33ac00b4631046b268fad780d3ee",
"proof": 45293,
"timestamp": "2020-08-21 13:16:49.391491",
"transactions": [
"amount": "15bcoin",
"receiver": "Naveen",
"sender": "Bharathi"
"amount": 1,
"receiver": "Bharathi",
"sender": "56d710bdb1eb447bb4e3a82c3c32bf5d"
"index": 4,
"previous_hash": "881ad3ccebbe6f2ffb48e8ed295a1f47aa12c766b5fffab0a85501c23d74976a",
"proof": 21391,
"timestamp": "2020-08-21 13:18:49.014229",
"transactions": [
"amount": "20bcoin",
"receiver": "Naveenraja",
"sender": "Bharathikannan"
"amount": 1,
"receiver": "Bharathi",
"sender": "5b4fb2883b7c4497b5076696cc57d7d9"
"index": 5,
"previous_hash": "a8a887acffbe477c293019b5e33829aa55d848bb726743beb0233e5b518f5b3e",
"proof": 8018,
"timestamp": "2020-08-21 13:20:26.953987",
"transactions": [
"amount": "25bcoin",
"receiver": "Naveenraja",
"sender": "Bharathikannan"
"amount": 1,
"receiver": "Bharathi",
"sender": "68aae997dc6a4c7da90a109586d019d3"
"length": 5
Inspired by: https://www.udemy.com/course/build-your-blockchain-az/