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In this repository, I will explain design patterns, object oriented programming and SOLID principles with examples.


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This repository is my knowledge sharing repository which is about Design Patterns, Object Oriented Programming concepts and SOLID principles. I have shared my knowledge about these subjects briefly and I have given simple examples for each subject


  1. Object Oriented Programming
  2. SOLID Principles
  3. Design Patterns

Object Oriented Programming

Object oriented programming(OOP) is a programming paradigm which depends on classes and objects. It helps software developers to structure their codes and make them reusable pieces.

Software developers are creating many different classes for that.
Classes are user defined data types which have their own attributes and methods. These methods can determine the logical operations of the class. And attributes can hold data which a class can have.
We can create as many instances from a class as we want. These instances are called as object.

Object Oriented Programming Concepts

Object-oriented programming has four basic concepts. These concepts might seem a little bit complex to you, if you are not familiar with them before. But understanding the how these concepts are working may help you so much for your software development career.


Encapsulation means the attributes of a class is hidden from any other class and can be accessed only through any member methods of own class in which attributes are declared.
To do that, we can define attributes as private. Then, we can add getter-setter methods as public for an attribute.
There are 3 visibility types for variables and methods. These are:

  • public: If variables or methods are defined as public, can be accessed from any other class..
  • private: If variables or methods are defined as private, can be accessed only in the class which we have defined the variables or methods.
  • protected: If variables or methods are defined as protected, can only be accessed from within the class in which variables or methods were defined, or within other classes which have extended from that class which have variables or methods.

I will give you an example about encapsulation. But we don't need to worry about encapsulation in Kotlin. I will explain the reason after I give you the code

class EncapsulationExample {
    private var testString: String = ""
    private var testInteger: Int = 0

We don't need to worry about encapsulation in Kotlin. Because Kotlin compiler for JVM compiles Kotlin source files into Java class files. Thus, our code will be compiled as below:
(Name of the class won't change. I changed it to make it more understandable.)

public class EncapsulationCompiled {
    private String testString = "";
    private int testInteger = 0;

    public String getTestString() {
        return testString;

    public void setTestString(String testString) {
        this.testString = testString;

    public int getTestInteger() {
        return testInteger;

    public void setTestInteger(int testInteger) {
        this.testInteger = testInteger;


Abstraction is a process of hiding the internal details of a class from the outer world.
We can define abstract methods or abstract classes. If one class has one abstract method at least, that means that class can be abstract class. Abstract classes are generally used to gather objects with common properties under one roof.

abstract class AbstractionExample{
    abstract fun abstractMethod()
    fun methodWithBody(){
        println("This method has a body.")

But, if all methods are abstract methods and there is not any method with a body, that means this is an interface.

interface InterfaceExample {
    fun methodOne()
    fun methodTwo()


Inheritance means that one class acquires the attributes and methods of another class. That means, we can create new classes over existing classes.
Main purpose of inheritance is to provide the reusability of code. So, a class has to write only the unique attributes and methods. Rest of the common attributes and methods can be extended from the another class.
Here, two new terms come up. Parent class and child class.

  • Parent Class: This the class whose attributes and methods will be using by child class.
  • Child Class: This is class that extends the features of parent class.

Note: If we want to create extendable class (parent class) in Kotlin, we should add 'open' keyword before 'class' keyword. Otherwise, we can't extend this class from other classes. As same with classes, if we want to override a method in child class, we should add 'open' keyword before 'fun' keyword in parent class.

open class InheritanceParentClass{
    var attributeParentClass1 = "Attribute in Parent Class"
    private var attributeParentClass2 = "We can't reach this attribute in child class. Because we defined it as private"

    fun methodParentClass1() = "This is first method in InheritanceParentClass"

    open fun methodParentClass2() = "This is second method in InheritanceParentClass. We will override this one."

As we learnt in Encapsulation section, we can't reach attributes or methods in child class, which have defined as private in parent class. So if we want them to usable in child class, we shouldn't add private keyword.

class InheritanceChildClass: InheritanceParentClass() {
    fun methodChildClass1() = "This is first method in InheritanceParentClass"

    override fun methodParentClass2() = "This method has overridden in child class"

    fun printAttributeParentClass1(){
        attributeParentClass1 = "Attribute in Child Class"

I will give very basic main method to print these methods

fun main(){
    var parentClass = InheritanceParentClass()
    var childClass = InheritanceChildClass()

    println("Parent Class - methodParentClass1: ${parentClass.methodParentClass1()}")
    println("Parent Class - methodParentClass2: ${parentClass.methodParentClass2()}")

    println("Child Class - methodChildClass1: ${childClass.methodChildClass1()}")
    println("Child Class - methodParentClass2: ${childClass.methodParentClass2()}")


Parent Class - methodParentClass1: This is first method in InheritanceParentClass
Parent Class - methodParentClass2: This is second method in InheritanceParentClass. We will override this one.
Child Class - methodChildClass1: This is first method in InheritanceParentClass
Child Class - methodParentClass2: This method has overridden in child class
Attribute in Parent Class
Attribute in Child Class


With the help of polymorphism we can perform a single action in different ways. To do that, we need to define one interface, class or abstract class and we will have multiple implementations.
I will give a brief example. You will see that, with the help of polymorphism, a method can perform different operations based on the object that it is acting upon.

First, we will have parent class called as 'PolymorphismBaseClass'

open abstract class PolymorphismBaseClass {
    open fun runMobileServiceOnDevice(){
        println("This device is not running any mobile services.")

    abstract fun mobileServicesName(): String

Then we can create child classes from this parent class. Our child classes will use same method. These methods will do different but similar operations.

class PolymorphismHuaweiClass: PolymorphismBaseClass() {
    override fun runMobileServiceOnDevice() {
        println("This device can work with Huawei Mobile Services.")

    override fun mobileServicesName(): String = "Huawei Mobile Services"
class PolymorphismGoogleClass: PolymorphismBaseClass() {
    override fun runMobileServiceOnDevice() {
        println("This device can work with Google Mobile Services.")

    override fun mobileServicesName(): String = "Google Mobile Services"

SOLID Principles

In object-oriented computer programming, SOLID is design principles intended to make software more understandable, flexible and maintainable.
SOLID helps us to write sustainable code while developing software. This means, when software requirements have changed or we want to make additions to existing software, the system won't resist this. We will add new requiremements and functions easily. In addition to these, there are reasons such as maintenance and being easy to understand.

Single Responsibility Principle

Single-responsibility principle means that every module, class or method in a computer program should have responsibility over a single part of that program's functionality.
We shouldn't have objects which know too much and have unnecessary behavior. So, a class will do only one job. Thus, this class should have only one reason to change.

For example, let's think that we have class called as user which holds the information about user. Then we will add sign in and sign out methods for this user to manage authentication operations.

data class User(
    var id: Long,
    var name: String,
    var password: String
    fun signIn(){
        // This method will do signing in operations

    fun signOut(){
        // This method will do signing out operations

But as you have learned with Single Responsibility Principle, all classes should have responsibility for a single process of a program.
If we would like to make some changes for authentication process in sign in or sign out methods, our User class will be affected too. So, we will add more than one responsibility to one class. We shouldn't do that and we should separate our classes.
That means, User class should do operations for only holding informations of the user. If we would like to manage authentication process of user like signing in and signing out, we should add a new class to manage authentication process.

data class User(
    var id: Long,
    var name: String,
    var password: String

class AuthenticationService(){
    fun signIn(){
        // This method will do signing in operations

    fun signOut(){
        // This method will do signing out operations

Open-Closed Principle

There are two different important meanings for this principle.

  • Open: Means that we can add new features to class. When there are some changes on our dependencies, we should be able to add new features to our class easily
  • Closed: Means that base features of class shouldn't be able to change Let's imagine that we have a MobilePhoneUser class which is holding mobile phone and mobile services. This class will do operations for users' mobile phones by working with mobile services. And there are 2 different mobile services(HMS and GMS)
class MobilePhone{
    lateinit var brandName: String

class MobilePhoneUser{
    fun runMobileDevice(mobileServices: Any, mobilePhone: MobilePhone){
        if(mobileServices is HuaweiMobileServices)
            println("This device is running with Huawei Mobile Services")

class HuaweiMobileServices{
    fun addMobileServiceToPhone(mobilePhone: MobilePhone){ println("Huawei Mobile Services") }

In the above code, we are checking mobile service type with if-else condition. This is a bad example, because when we want to add new mobile services, we will always need to check mobile services with if-else conditions.
According to Open-Closed Principle, we should add one interface for all mobile services. Then, each mobile service types will implement this interface and will do their own business. Thus, we won't need to check mobile service type to make different operations

class MobilePhone{
    lateinit var brandName: String

class MobilePhoneUser{
    fun runMobileDevice(mobileServices: IMobileServices, mobilePhone: MobilePhone){

interface IMobileServices{
    fun addMobileServiceToPhone(mobilePhone: MobilePhone)

class HuaweiMobileServices: IMobileServices{
    override fun addMobileServiceToPhone(mobilePhone: MobilePhone){ println("Huawei Mobile Services") }

class GoogleMobileServices: IMobileServices{
    override fun addMobileServiceToPhone(mobilePhone: MobilePhone){ println("Google Mobile Services") }

Liskov Substitution Principle

We should be able to use subclasses instead of the parent classes which class they have extended, without the need to make any changes in our code. In simple words, child class must be substitutable for the parent class.
Since child classes extended from the parent classes, they inherit their behavior. If child classes can not perform the behaviors belonging to the parent classes, probably, we won't write any code in the method that does the behavior or we will throw an error when objects want to use it. But these actions cause code pollution and unnecessary code crowds.

Let's think that we have an abstract class called as Vehicle. This abstract class have some methods about engine situation and moving forward/back. When we want to create child classes such as Car, Truck and etc. to extend Vehicle abstract class will be fine for us.

abstract class Vehicle{
    protected var isEngineWorking = false
    abstract fun startEngine()
    abstract fun stopEngine()
    abstract fun moveForward()
    abstract fun moveBack()

class Car: Vehicle(){
    override fun startEngine() {
        println("Engine started")
        isEngineWorking = true

    override fun stopEngine() {
        println("Engine stopped")
        isEngineWorking = false

    override fun moveForward() {
        println("Moving forward")

    override fun moveBack() {
        println("Moving back")

class Bicycle: Vehicle(){
    override fun startEngine() {
        // TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun stopEngine() {
        // TODO("Not yet implemented")

    override fun moveForward() {
        println("Moving forward")

    override fun moveBack() {
        println("Moving back")

But as you see in the above code, when we want to create child class called as Bicycle, it's startEngine and stopEngine methods will be unnecessary. Because bicycles don't have an engine.
To fix this situation, we can create a new child class which will extend the Vehicle. This class will work with vehicles which will have an engine.

interface Vehicle{
    fun moveForward()
    fun moveBack()

abstract class VehicleWithEngine: Vehicle{
    private var isEngineWorking = false
    open fun startEngine(){ isEngineWorking = true }
    open fun stopEngine(){ isEngineWorking = false }

class Car: VehicleWithEngine(){
    override fun startEngine() {
        println("Engine started")

    override fun stopEngine() {
        println("Engine stopped")

    override fun moveForward() {
        println("Moving forward")

    override fun moveBack() {
        println("Moving back")

class Bicycle: Vehicle{
    override fun moveForward() {
        println("Moving forward")

    override fun moveBack() {
        println("Moving back")

Interface Segregation Principle

In object-oriented programming, interfaces provide layers of abstraction that simplify code and create barriers which are preventing coupling to dependencies. Classes shouldn't implement interfaces which they are not going to use.
Programming languages support multiple interface implementation. So, if there are some methods which won't be implemented by some type of classes, we should separate these interface to different interfaces.

So let's think that we have an animal interface. And this interface will have methods about behaviors which animals can do. Thus, animals can use this interface to behave.

interface Animal{
    fun eat()
    fun sleep()
    fun fly()

class Cat: Animal{
    override fun eat() {
        println("Cat is eating fish")

    override fun sleep() {
        println("Cat is sleeping on its owner's bed")

    override fun fly() {
        TODO("Not yet implemented") // Cats can't fly

class Bird: Animal{
    override fun eat() {
        println("Bird is eating forage")

    override fun sleep() {
        println("Bird is sleeping in the nest")

    override fun fly() {
        println("Bird is flying so high")

As you see, some animals can't fly such as cat. When we will create classes for these animals, it will be unnecessary to implement fly method.
To fix that issue, we will create new interface called as FlyingAnimal. We will remove fly method from Animal interface and we will add it to out new interface

interface Animal{
    fun eat()
    fun sleep()

interface FlyingAnimal{
    fun fly()

class Cat: Animal{
    override fun eat() {
        println("Cat is eating fish")

    override fun sleep() {
        println("Cat is sleeping on its owner's bed")

class Bird: Animal, FlyingAnimal{
    override fun eat() {
        println("Bird is eating forage")

    override fun sleep() {
        println("Bird is sleeping in the nest")

    override fun fly() {
        println("Bird is flying so high")

Note: If we would like to we can implement Animal interface in FlyingAnimal interface. So, we won't need to implement two interfaces for classes which animals can fly such as Bird.

Dependency Inversion Principle

Dependency Inversion Principle tells us about the coupling between the different classes or modules.
Higher level classes should not be dependent to lower level classes. Both should be dependent to abstractions. It is based on removing the dependency with the interface.
The dependence of a class or method on other classes that use it should be minimized. Changes made in the child classes should not affect parent classes.

Let's think that we need to develop a mobile application for both Android and iOS. To do that, we need an Android Developer and an iOS Developer. These classes will have a method to develop a mobile application by using their own platform and programming language.

class AndroidDeveloper{
    fun developMobileApp(){
        println("Developing Android Application by using Kotlin")

class IosDeveloper{
    fun developMobileApp(){
        println("Developing iOS Application by using Swift")

fun main(){
    val androidDeveloper = AndroidDeveloper()
    val iosDeveloper = IosDeveloper()


To fix the problem in here, we can create an interface called as MobileDeveloper. AndroidDeveloper and IosDeveloper classes with implement this interface.
If we want to store some different datas for each developer type, we can use this principle. Also, maybe we want to separate mobile services for Android Developers. To do that, we can create different methods for Android Developer but developing mobile application will be same for both Android and iOS developers. So, we should have an interface for same operations.

interface MobileDeveloper{
    fun developMobileApp()

class AndroidDeveloper(var mobileService: MobileServices): MobileDeveloper{
    override fun developMobileApp(){
        println("Developing Android Application by using Kotlin. " +
                "Application will work with ${mobileService.serviceName}")
    enum class MobileServices(var serviceName: String){
        HMS("Huawei Mobile Services"),
        GMS("Google Mobile Services"),
        BOTH("Huawei Mobile Services and Google Mobile Services")

class IosDeveloper: MobileDeveloper{
    override fun developMobileApp(){
        println("Developing iOS Application by using Swift")

fun main(){
    val developers = arrayListOf(AndroidDeveloper(AndroidDeveloper.MobileServices.HMS), IosDeveloper())
    developers.forEach { developer ->

Design Patterns

Design patterns can speed up our software development process because they provide tested, proven development paradigms.
Design patterns are solutions to common problems that software developers encounter during software development process. These solutions have been achieved through trial and error by numerous software developers over a long period of time. Then, they gave names to these solutions which they found for certain problems.

Design patterns are categorized in 3 groups. These are; Creational Design Patterns, Structural Design Patterns and Behavioral Design Patterns
I will explain each design patterns of these categories and give examples for them to improve the knowledge with practice.

Creational Design Patterns

Creational design patterns are dealing with object creation situation and trying to create objects which will be suitable to situation. Creating objects can cause the some complexity. Creational design patterns solve this problem by managing the object creation situation.

Singleton Pattern

Singleton is one of the creational design pattern that lets us to create one instance of the class and provide a global access point to this instance.
For singleton, we should define all constructors as private. Then, we should define one static instance of the class which will hold existing instance or will create new one.

Applying singleton pattern is so easy in Kotlin. But first, I want to give an example in Java to make it more understandable.

public class SingletonMainClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SingletonPattern singletonPattern = SingletonPattern.getInstance();
class SingletonPattern {
    private static SingletonPattern singletonPattern;
    private static Object synchronizedObject = new Object();

    private SingletonPattern() { }

    public static SingletonPattern getInstance() {
        if (singletonPattern == null) {
            synchronized (SingletonPattern.class) {
                if (singletonPattern == null) {
                    singletonPattern = new SingletonPattern();
        return singletonPattern;

    public void writeHelloWorld() {
        System.out.println("Hello world!");

As you see above, there are so much works when we want to implement Singleton Pattern design pattern to our classes that we need to do.
Unlike Java, Kotlin provides so easy feature for this. This feature is called as object. When we define classes as object, this object will be singleton automatically.

fun main() {

object SingletonPattern {
    fun writeHelloWorld() {
        println("Hello World!")

Factory Method Pattern

Factory Method is one of the creational design pattern which provides us an interface to create objects. It allows subclasses to change the type of objects that will be created by the interface which we have created before.
Briefly, we use Factory Method Pattern when we don't know which subclasses we will need to create in the future.

Let me give you an example. While developing Android applications, just a few years ago, we have been using only Google Mobile Services. Then, Huawei have been created their own mobile services which has been called as Huawei Mobile Services.
This situation has brought a new challenge for mobile developers which is about managing two different mobile services while developing Android applications.

Let's think about an idea that mobile services will show the map on screen and will authenticate the user. First, we need to create an interface called as MobileService.

interface MobileService {
    fun authenticateUser()
    fun showMap()

Now, we need to create real mobile services which will implement our MobileService interface. For that, I have created two class which are called as HuaweiMobileServices and GoogleMobileServices.
These mobile services are doing similar operations but in different ways. For example, Huawei authenticate users with Huawei ID and Google authenticate users with Gmail. And Huawei is using Petal Maps for navigation and Google is using Google Maps.

class HuaweiMobileServices: MobileService {
    override fun authenticateUser() {
        println("User has been authenticated with Huawei ID")

    override fun showMap() {
        println("Petal Maps has been started for navigation")

class GoogleMobileServices: MobileService {
    override fun authenticateUser() {
        println("User has been authenticated with Gmail")

    override fun showMap() {
        println("Google Maps has been started for navigation")

Now, all we need to do is creating Factory for these mobile service classes which we have implemented from MobileService interface.
We can send any different data to separate different type of mobile services. It can be like String, Integer or some Enum values.

I will explain by doing with Enum.

class MobileServiceFactory(){
    fun getMobileService(mobileServiceType: MobileServiceType): MobileService {
        return when(mobileServiceType) {
            MobileServiceType.HUAWEI -> HuaweiMobileServices()
            MobileServiceType.GOOGLE -> GoogleMobileServices()

enum class MobileServiceType(){

Now, let's test it on main method and see the output to understand what we did above:

fun main() {
    var mobileService = MobileServiceFactory()
    val hms = mobileService.getMobileService(MobileServiceType.HUAWEI)
    val gms = mobileService.getMobileService(MobileServiceType.GOOGLE)

    hms.apply {
    gms.apply {


User has been authenticated with Huawei ID
Petal Maps has been started for navigation
User has been authenticated with Gmail
Google Maps has been started for navigation

Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern is another creational pattern which is similar to Factory Method Pattern. The main difference is, Abstract Factory Pattern creates factories which will create other factories.

Abstract Factory Pattern lets us to create objects which are families with each other. The main idea in here is, Abstract Factory Pattern don't want our objects to be depend on the concrete classes. Because we might not know what will happen with these classes in the future and depends on the future requirements of the project we might want to allow extensibility.

Let's imagine that we will create UI classes for website and these UI classes will be different for desktop users and mobile device users. To do that, we will have different products for different UI objects such as Button, ImageView, TextView, EditText, Dialog and etc.
And also, these UI objects will be different for desktop and mobile users. Abstract Factory can help us in this scenario.

For example, let's think that dialog and imageview will be different on desktop and mobile device.
First, we will define a dialog interface and each device type will implement this interface.

interface Dialog {
    fun showPopupDialog()
class DesktopDialog: Dialog {
    override fun showPopupDialog() {
        println("Desktop dialog will be shown")
class MobileDeviceDialog: Dialog {
    override fun showPopupDialog() {
        println("Mobile device dialog will be shown")

Then, we will create an interface for our second UI object which is ImageView.
Let's make some difference in here. For example, users will be able to see image bigger when they click to image on desktop. But, users will not be able to see image bigger on mobile device and nothing will happen when users click on image.

interface ImageView {
    fun showImage()
class DesktopImageView: ImageView {
    override fun showImage() {
        println("Image will be shown on desktop and will be clickable.")
class MobileDeviceImageView: ImageView {
    override fun showImage() {
        println("Image will be shown on mobile device and nothing will happen when user click on image.")

Now, all we need to do is focusing on creating factories.

interface UIFactory{
    fun createDialog(): Dialog
    fun createImageView(): ImageView

Then, we need to create a factory class for each device type and these factory classes will implement the main UIFactory class for creating UI objects.

class DesktopUIFactory: UIFactory {
    override fun createDialog(): Dialog = DesktopDialog()
    override fun createImageView(): ImageView = DesktopImageView()
class MobileDeviceUIFactory: UIFactory {
    override fun createDialog(): Dialog = MobileDeviceDialog()
    override fun createImageView(): ImageView = MobileDeviceImageView()

Now, we will create a base class called as Device. And this device will be created depends on the device type such as desktop or mobile device.

class Device(uiFactory: UIFactory) {
    var dialog: Dialog = uiFactory.createDialog()
    var imageView: ImageView = uiFactory.createImageView()

For now, we need to create an enum class to getting device type easily.

enum class DeviceType{

Now, we will test all things which we did. First test will be for mobile device.

fun main() {
    lateinit var uiFactory: UIFactory

    var deviceType = DeviceType.MOBILE
    uiFactory = when (deviceType) {
        DeviceType.MOBILE -> {
        DeviceType.DESKTOP -> {
    var device: Device = Device(uiFactory)

    device.apply {


Mobile device dialog will be shown
Image will be shown on mobile device and nothing will happen when user click on image.

Now, just change the device type as Desktop on main method.

var deviceType = DeviceType.DESKTOP


Desktop dialog will be shown
Image will be shown on desktop and will be clickable.

Builder Pattern

Builder Pattern is a creational design pattern which allows us to construct complex objects. While creating objects with Builder Pattern, we can create different types and representations of objects which are using the same builder code.

With the Builder Pattern, we do not get all data which we will need in the class on constructor method. Instead of getting data on constructor method, we are getting all inputs step by step in separated setter methods with inner class which is called as Builder.

Let's examine Builder Pattern with a simple example.
Let's imagine that we want to create a dialog to show on screen. This dialog will have title, icon, message, positive button and negative button. Builder pattern is good pattern to develop a class for this problem.

First of all, we are defining private constructor because we don't want to set values directly with Dialog class.
Then we define a Builder class to build our object. Fields' setter methods will private. Thus, we will only set them with the methods which we have created.
With the build method, we are creating Dialog class according to the values which we have defined.

class Dialog private constructor(
    private val title: String?,
    private val message: String?,
    private val icon: String?,
    private val positiveButtonText: String?,
    private val negativeButtonText: String?)
    fun showDialog() {
        println("Title: $title\n" +
                "Message: $message\n" +
                "Icon: $icon\n" +
                "Positive Button Text: $positiveButtonText\n" +
                "Negative Button Text: $negativeButtonText")

    class Builder {
        var title: String = ""
            private set
        var message: String = ""
            private set
        var icon: String = ""
            private set
        var positiveButtonText: String = ""
            private set
        var negativeButtonText: String = ""
            private set

        fun setTitle(title: String) = apply { this.title = title }
        fun setMessage(message: String) = apply { this.message = message }
        fun setIcon(icon: String) = apply { this.icon = icon }
        fun setPositiveButtonText(positiveButtonText: String) = apply { this.positiveButtonText = positiveButtonText }
        fun setNegativeButtonText(negativeButtonText: String) = apply { this.negativeButtonText = negativeButtonText }

        fun build() = Dialog(title, message, icon, positiveButtonText, negativeButtonText)

fun main() {
    val dialog = Dialog.Builder()
        .setMessage("Are you sure that you want to leave the app?")
        .setIcon("Exit image")

Prototype Pattern

Prototype Patterns is a creational design pattern which allows us to create copies of existing objects. We can use prototype pattern when we want to create copies of existing objects and don't want them to be dependent on their classes.
Note: We can even copy private variables or methods while using prototype pattern because we are cloning objects.

When object has so much parameters on the constructor method, it can cost too much while creating new objects from the existing class. With the help of Prototype Pattern, we can copy the existing objects without using "new" keyword.
That means, Prototype Pattern is very useful when we want to create similar objects from existing class.
It can help us to save so much time while creating copied objects of existing classes.

Let's examine Prototype Pattern with a simple example.
Using Prototype Pattern in Kotlin is so easy. I will give you an example about mobile phones.

Let's imagine that we have a data class which is called as MobilePhone. This data class will have 5 fields. These fields are phone brand as String, model name as String, operating system name as String and size of RAM as Int.

data class MobilePhone(
    val phoneBrand: String,
    val modelName: String,
    val operatingSystemName: String,
    val sizeOfRAM: Int

Now, we will add a function to data class which is called as printPhoneDetails. This function will print the features of the phone.

data class MobilePhone(
    val phoneBrand: String,
    val modelName: String,
    val operatingSystemName: String,
    val sizeOfRAM: Int
) {
    fun printPhoneDetails() {
        println("$phoneBrand $modelName has $sizeOfRAM GB RAM and runs with $operatingSystemName operating system")

On the above, we have very simple data class to describe Prototype Pattern.
First, we will create one object which is P40 Lite. Then, we will use printPhoneDetails function to print phone details and, we will see the output.

fun main() {
    val p40Lite = MobilePhone(
        "P40 Lite",



Huawei P40 Lite has 6 GB RAM and runs with Android operating system

In Kotlin, we don't need to clone objects by hand if they are model as data class. This makes everything so easy in Kotlin to copy objects of data classes.

Let's think that Huawei will introduce a new mobile phone which is P50 Pro. For this phone, model name will be changed. Size of RAM will increase and operating system will be changed to Harmony OS which is the new operating system developing by Huawei.
If we want other functions to stay same for all mobile phones, we can just copy and change variables of the class. Other functions can be like buyThePhone, addToShoppingCart and many more according to project which we are developing. In this example, I just developed one function called as printPhoneDetails to print details of the phone.

You may ask why we just don't create new object. We can have more fields for the class such as camera details, processor, size of the phone, screen details. In this type of object, many fields can be same for many different mobile phone. If we create same fields as same again and again, this can cost too much to develop all these objects, especially when we have hundreds of phones.
In this example, phoneBrand will be same for both of the objects.

fun main() {
    val p40Lite = MobilePhone(
        "P40 Lite",


    val p50Pro = p40Lite.copy(
        modelName = "P50 Pro",
        operatingSystemName = "Harmony",
        sizeOfRAM = 8


Huawei P40 Lite has 6 GB RAM and runs with Android operating system
Huawei P50 Pro has 8 GB RAM and runs with Harmony operating system

As we see, we have copied P50 Pro from P40 Lite and just changed the fields which need to be changed. When fields should be same, we don't need to define them as we do in constructor methods.

Structural Design Patterns

Structural design patterns are dealing about how classes and objects will be in a relationship with each other in structurally. Structural design patterns simplify the design when we are going to have huge object structures in our project. It helps us to create objects and classes without repeating themselves.


   Copyright 2021 Berk Berber

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

See more details: LICENSE


In this repository, I will explain design patterns, object oriented programming and SOLID principles with examples.







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