- Automated mapping, including stitcher that can merge maps across sessions
- Automatic curiosity study (see below)
- Improved fonts and sizes
- Improved minimap (see below)
- Log off on client close - closing the window will send a logoff command and exit after successful logoff
- Completion percent text and estimated timer on items (e.g. in study window)
- Transfer by highest/lowest QL with mousewheel (optional)
- Nightvision mode (with configurable brightness)
- Hotkey to hide item from cursor (see below)
- Account management (based on romovs)
- Custom resource folder support - put a folder named "res" in client location to load custom resources
- Quick hand equipment slots and hotkeys
- Timer for next level of hunger
- Top-down view camera (:cam top)
- Option to prevent accidental item drop - never drown your keys again
- Option to mark studied curiosities - green X on curiosities you already study, and red X on those that you can't due to lacing attention
- Option to display item quality on icon with many different modes
- Option to show player/animal movement vectors
- Option to always show the long tooltip on items
- Option to show plant and tree growth stages
- Option to show damage on objects
- Option to selectively hide trees, bushes, plants, fences and houses
- Option to hide flavour objects - reduces CPU utilization (taken from romovs client)
- Option to disable dynamic lights
- Option to show object (mine supports, etc.) radius (based on romovs client)
- Option to limit FPS in background and foreground mode (replaces hz/bghz commands)
- Option to show kin online/offline message (from enders)
- Option to show server time (from APXEOLOG)
- Option to disable tile transitions rendering
- Option to disable flower menu animations
- Option to deactivate attack cursor when entering combat
- Orthogonal camera lock mode option (normal, 0/90/180/270, 8 way, free)
- Daylight mode - Ctrl+N to toggle (taken from k-t client)
- Grid overlay (somewhat based on k-t client)
- Holding down LMB will make character walk in the direction of the cursor
- Mouse follow mode - press Ctrl+F for your character to follow the cursor
- Drop/Transfer identical items (taken from romovs client)
- FEP and hunger meters (from k-t client) and attention meter
- Notification when attributes are changed (from k-t client)
- Quickhand slots and hotkeys (based on romovs client)
- Chat timestamps
###Warning - Account Management If you check "save login" on login screen - the client will save your password, in clear text, either in your registry (Windows) or user folder (Mac/Linux). This is inherently unsafe. It was added as a trade off between convenience and security after requests from multiple users and friends. I do not recommend using this option.
- Enable by ticking AUTO in study report
- Will automatically insert curiosities to study from player inventory
- Checks for required attention and that the same curiosity is not being studied
- All other inventory windows will be closed before moving a curiosity
- Known issue: Does not check if curiosity can't fit due to size.
- If this happens it will go into a loop trying to insert it.
- Will be fixed in the future
- Hides the item currently "held" by the mouse cursor
- Press again to restore the item
- You can walk around, interact with objects and inventories without putting the item down
- You won't be able to pick up other items
- After relogging the item will reappear on the cursor
- CTRL + N - Night vision toggle
- CTRL + W - World tooltip toggle
- CTRL + F - Follow mouse
- CTRL + G - Grid overlay
- CTRL + V - View filter (hide trees, plants, houses and fences)
- CTRL + D - Object effect radius toggle
- CTRL + 1 - Take/put item in right hand slot
- CTRL + 2 - Take/put item in left hand slot
- CTRL + Q - Hide/Unhide item from cursor
- CTRL + X - Log off
- CTRL + Z - Force tile centering
- CTRL + ALT + Left Click - Drop identical items
- CTRL + Right Click - Transfer identical items between inventory and container
- CTRL + SHIFT + Right Click with item on world object - mass add items (for filling throughs, tar kilns, etc.)
- (In combat) Z - Set peaceful mode with all enemies.
- (In combat) CTRL + Z - Set aggressive mode with all enemies.
- Scroll sorting (if enabled)
- SHIFT + Scroll UP - Transfer highest QL item from container to inventory
- SHIFT + Scroll DN - Transfer highest QL item from inventory to container
- CTRL + SHIFT + Scroll UP - Transfer lowest QL item from container to inventory
- CTRL + SHIFT + Scroll DN - Transfer lowest QL item from inventory to container
- Larger
- Improved caching
- Player and party arrows
- Option to enable dragging
- Option to show grid and view radius
- Option to show specific boulders, trees and bushes
- Option to show all players (taken from romovs client)
- Option to show arrows (for those tired loosing them when hunting)
- Hold middle mouse button to drag
- CTRL + Middle button to center on player
Partially based on work by k-t and romovs
###Top-down view camera
- Provides a top-down orthographic view, useful for planning, landscaping, etc.
- Use :cam top command to activate
- Arrow keys and dragging while holding the middle mouse button can pan the view
- Mouse scroll or PgUp / PgDn to zoom
- Home to center the view on the player
- Ctrl+Home to toggle camera following the player
To run the client on Windows double click run.bat or run-debug.bat.
On other OS:
java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -jar hafen.jar -U http://game.havenandhearth.com/hres/ game.havenandhearth.com
To run map stitcher on Windows double click combiner.bat
On other OS:
java -jar combiner.jar