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Development guidelines

mhidalgo-bdai edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 3 revisions

To streamline development, consider the following rules of thumb:

  1. Do not subclass from rclpy.node.Node, use process-wide APIs instead
  2. When appropriate, subclass bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node instead
  3. Use logging module to log unless within a node subclass

Do not subclass from rclpy.node.Node, use process-wide APIs instead


While node subclassing is the typical approach to ROS 2 development, fostering code reuse, it is easy to run into deadlocks once ros_utilities are embraced and asynchronous programming is slowly replaced by synchronous programming. Calling a service and waiting for a reply, waiting for a transform to become available, are some examples of blocking calls on which an rclpy.node.Node subclass could block indefinitely if used at construction time. These problems go away if process-wide APIs and prebaked auto-spinning nodes are used instead.

from bdai_ros2_wrappers.tf_listener_wrapper import TFListenerWrapper
from bdai_ros2_wrappers.context import wait_for_shutdown

-import rclpy
-from rclpy.node import Node
+import bdai_ros2_wrappers.process as ros_process

-class ApplicationNode(Node):
+class Application:
    def __init__(self):
-       super().__init__("app")
-       self.tf_listener = TFListenerWrapper(self)
+       self.tf_listener = TFListenerWrapper()
        self.tf_listener.wait_for_a_tform_b("map", "robot")  # this would block forever on a node subclass

def main():
-   rclpy.init()
-   rclpy.spin(ApplicationNode())
+   app = Application()
+   wait_for_shutdown()
-   rclpy.shutdown()

If necessary, subclass bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node instead


Sometimes subclassing rclpy.node.Node is necessary: to offer standard ROS 2 reusable nodes, to simplify managing ROS 2 interfaces' lifetimes (e.g. subscriptions, clients, etc.), and so on. If done with care, this is perfectly feasible. For node subclasses that rely on synchronous programming, however, rclpy.node.Node default mutually exclusive callback group can lead to deadlocks (as only one callback may be running at a time). This can be circumvented by manually specifying a reentrant or non-reentrant callback group, or simply by subclassing bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node instead, an rclpy.node.Node subclass with a non-reentrant callback group.

-from rclpy.node import Node
+from bdai_ros2_wrappers.node import Node

class MyNode(Node):

Do not block during bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node subclass initialization


Neither bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node nor rclpy.node.Node can prevent blocking calls during initialization from running into deadlocks (as these may not be served until the node is added to an executor, after initialization). If at all possible, structure your code such that blocking calls are not required during bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node.__init__ invocation.

from typing import Any

from bdai_ros2_wrappers.node import Node
-from bdai_ros2_wrappers.subscription import wait_for_message
+from bdai_ros2_wrappers.subscription import wait_for_message_async

from std_msgs.msg import String

class ComplexInitNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None
        super().__init__("complex_init_node", **kwargs)
-       message = wait_for_message(String, "foo")
-       # do setup with message
+       future = wait_for_message_async(String, "foo")
+       future.add_done_callback(lambda future: self.setup(future.result()))
+   def setup(self, message: String) -> None:
+       # do setup with message

If necessary, block from the bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node.__post_init__ method


Unfortunately, sometimes blocking during bdai_ros2_wrappers.node.Node subclass initialization will be near unavoidable (e.g. third-party code may force it on us). When and if node lifetime is fully managed by process-wide APIs, blocking calls may be relocated to a __post_init__ method. If defined, this method will be invoked right after the __init__ method, once the node has been added to an executor. Note that for this not to hang too, the executor must be spinning in a background thread.

from typing import Any

from bdai_ros2_wrappers.node import Node
from bdai_ros2_wrappers.subscription import wait_for_message

from std_msgs.msg import String

class PostInitNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None
        super().__init__("post_init_node", **kwargs)
+   def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        message = wait_for_message(String, "foo")
        # do setup with message

+@ros_process.main(prebaked=False, autospin=True)
+def main() -> None:
+    with main.managed(PostInitNode) as main.node:
+        main.wait_for_shutdown()

Use logging module to log unless within a node subclass


Bringing ROS 2 specifics to code that is largely ROS 2 agnostic works against reuse.

+import logging
from bdai_ros2_wrappers.process as ros_process

def main():
-   main.node.get_logger().info("Logging!")