(Note: "TBD" is the actual name, not a placeholder.)
An equation solver that solves for all the To Be Determined values in a system of equations.
- Employs "direct" solutions where possible.
- All values track units.
- Ability to define new units.
- Graphviz integration for for debugging.
- Find solutions with a minimum number of free variables (coming soon).
Values can be pinned, with units:
W := 1 [kg];
X := 5 [m];
Y := 7.3 [s];
New units can be defined:
[furlong] := 660 [ft];
[firkin] := 90 [lb];
[fortnight] := 336 [hr];
Equations use (more or less) standard C grammar:
V = X / Y;
V / Y = Z;
Exponential use the ^
operator and are required to have constant integral exponents.
E = W * V^2 / 2;
With the exception of unit definitions, the order in which statements are defined is not relevant.
I'm still working on things so there are some things that are know to not work fully yet:
- Dependent systems of equations: Currently only direct propagation is well supported. A Newton-Raphson solver for systems of equations is implemented, but not well tested.
- Even roots: To avoid dealing with the +/- issue, only odd roots are solved for.
- Value hints as starting points.
- Rational exponents.
- Macro instantiation.
- Code generator to allow use in other programs.
- Optimization:
- Merging of equivalent expression sub trees.
- Conversion between repeated
and between repeated*
name = "com_github_bcsgh_tbd",
version = ...,
load("@com_github_bcsgh_tbd//tbd:rule.bzl", "gen_tbd") gen_tbd(name, srcs, cpp, dot, out, warnings_as_errors)
Process a .tbd file.
To configure the git hooks, run ./.git_hooks/setup.sh