The relay will output logs to a predefined location and the same log file will be used as a source by fluent-bit to parse and transfer data to loki which will later be used via grafana to create dashboards and alerts.
Loki can be configured to use s3 or local storage for data storage needs.
The basic flow is as:
The fluent-bit will use the below regex to extract KV pairs from the logs and json parser to get json keys as well
Regex ^(?[a-zA-Z0-9_/.-:])\s+(?<log_level>[a-z])\t(?[^\{])\t(?<json_log>.)
flush 1
log_level debug
Daemon Off
Buffer False
parsers_file /fluent-bit/etc/parsers_multiline.conf
Name tail
Path /var/log/service/centralized-relay.log
Tag my_tag
Parser main_log
Name parser
Match *
Reserve_Data On
Key_Name json_log
Parser json
Name loki
Match *
host loki-srv
port 3100
label_keys $name,$nid,$event_type
labels job=centralized_relayer
line_format json
Name stdout
Match *
Alerts,Dashboards and search can be done via grafana. Also, when endpoints are exposed, actions can also be initiated via grafana dashboards. A sample dashbaord and interaction is as follows: