ExcelTrans Transforms Csv to Excel spreadsheets using .NET and EPPlus.
It has the following services:
- ExcelTrans a command based stream csv transformer
- CsvReader for quickly reading csv documents
- CsvWriter for quickly writing csv documents
- ExcelReader for quickly reading excel documents
This repository holds the implementation of ExcelTrans in C#.
static (Stream stream, string meta, string path) MakeInvoiceFile(IEnumerable<MyData> myData)
var transform = ExcelService.Encode(new List<IExcelCommand>
new WorksheetGet("Invoice"),
new CellStyle(Address.Range, 0, 1, 2, 1, "lcYellow"),
var s = new MemoryStream() as Stream;
var w = new StreamWriter(s);
// add transform to output
// add csv file to output
CsvWriter.Write(w, myData);
s.Position = 0;
var result = (s, "text/csv", "invoice.csv");
// optionally transform
result = ExcelService.Transform(result);
return result;
static void TransferFile(string path, Stream stream, string file)
path = Path.Combine(path, file);
if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)))
using (var fileStream = File.Create(path))
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var path = ...some path...;
var myData = ...some data...;
var file = MakeInvoiceFile(myData);
TransferFile(path, file.stream, file.path);
Class and Enum definitions.
Values for the Address fields
Enum | Example | Description |
Cell | A1 | Cell relative address |
CellAbs | A1 | Cell absolute address |
Range | A1:B1 | Range relative address |
RangeAbs | A1:B1 | Range absoulute address |
RowOrCol | A or 1 | Row or Column address |
ColToCol | A:B | Column to Column address |
RowToRow | 1:2 | Row to Row addess |
List of available commands
Command | Description | See Also |
CellStyle | Applies .Styles to the .Cells in range |
Styles |
CellValidation | Applies .Rules of .ValidationKind to the .Cells in range |
CellValidationKind ValidationRules |
CellValue | Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Cells in range |
CellValueKind |
ColumnValue | Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Col column |
ColumnValueKind |
Command | Executes .Action() |
CommandCol | Executes .Func() per Column |
CommandRow | Executes .Func() per Row |
CommandValue | Executes .Func() per Value |
ConditionalFormatting | Applies json .Json of .FormattingKind to .Address in range |
ConditionalFormattingKind Conditionals |
Drawing | Applies json .Json of .DrawingKind with .Name to .Address in range |
DrawingKind Drawings |
Flush | Flushes all pending commands | |
PopFrame | Pops a Frame off the context stack | |
PopSet | Pops a Set off the context stack | |
Protection | Applies .Value of .ProtectionKind to current worksheet |
ProtectionKind |
PushFrame | Pushes a new Frame with cmds onto the context stack |
PushSet | Pushes a new Set with group and cmds onto the context stack |
RowValue | Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Row row |
RowValueKind |
VbaModule | Applies .Code of .ModuleKind to the VbaProject |
VbaModuleKind |
VbaReference | Adds .Libraries of type VbaLibrary to the VbaProject |
VbaLibrary |
ViewAction | Applies .Value of .ActionKind to the active spreadsheet |
ViewActionKind |
WorkbookName | Applies .Name range of .NameKind to the .Cells in range |
WorkbookNameKind |
WorkbookOpen | Opens a Workbook at .Path with optional .Password |
WorkbookProtection | Applies .Value of .ProtectionKind to Workbook |
WorkbookProtectionKind |
WorksheetAdd | Adds a Worksheet with .Name to current Workbook |
WorksheetCopy | Copies a Worksheet with .Name to a new Worksheet with .NewName in the current Workbook |
WorksheetDelete | Deletes a Worksheet with .Name from the current Workbook |
WorksheetGet | Gets a Worksheet with .Name from the current Workbook |
WorksheetMove | Moves a Worksheet with .Name to the Worksheet with .TargetName in the current Workbook |
Values for the CellValidation command
Enum | Description |
Find | Returns the first matching validation. |
AnyValidation | Adds a IExcelDataValidationAny to the worksheet. |
CustomValidation | Adds a IExcelDataValidationCustom to the worksheet. |
DateTimeValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationDateTime to the worksheet. The only accepted values are DateTime values. |
DecimalValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationDecimal to the worksheet. The only accepted values are decimal values. |
IntegerValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationInt to the worksheet. The only accepted values are integer values. |
ListValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationList to the worksheet. The accepted values are defined in a list. |
TextLengthValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationInt regarding text length to the worksheet. |
TimeValidation | Adds an IExcelDataValidationTime to the worksheet. The only accepted values are Time values. |
Values for the CellValue command
Enum | Description |
StyleName | The named style |
StyleID | The style ID. It is not recomended to use this one. |
Value | Set the range to a specific value |
Text | Returns the formatted value. |
Formula | Gets or sets a formula for a range. |
FormulaR1C1 | Gets or Set a formula in R1C1 format. |
Hyperlink | Set the hyperlink property for a range of cells |
Merge | If the cells in the range are merged. |
AutoFilter | Set an autofilter for the range |
AutoFitColumns | Set the column width from the content of the range. The minimum width is the value of the ExcelWorksheet.defaultColumnWidth property. Note: Cells containing formulas must be calculated before autofit is called. Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored. (set-only) |
ArrayFormula | An array-formula |
IsRichText | If the value is in richtext format. |
RichText | Add a rich text string |
RichTextClear | Clear the collection |
AddComment | Adds a new comment for the range |
Comment | The comment |
ThreadedComment | Returns the threaded comment object of the first cell in the range |
ConditionalFormatting | Conditional Formatting for this range. |
Copy | Copies the range of cells to an other range |
DataValidation | Data validation for this range (get-only) |
Values for the ColumnValue command
Enum | Description |
AutoFit | Set the column width from the content of the range. The minimum width is the value of the ExcelWorksheet.defaultColumnWidth property. Note: Cells containing formulas are ignored since EPPlus don't have a calculation engine. Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored. (set-only) |
BestFit | If set to true a column automaticlly resize(grow wider) when a user inputs numbers in a cell. |
Merged | none |
Width | Sets the width of the column in the worksheet |
TrueWidth | Set width to a scaled-value that should result in the nearest possible value to the true desired setting. (set-only) |
Values for the ConditionalFormatting command
Enum | Description |
AboveAverage | Add AboveAverage Rule |
AboveOrEqualAverage | Add AboveOrEqualAverage Rule |
AboveStdDev | Add AboveStdDev Rule |
BeginsWith | Add BeginsWith Rule |
BelowAverage | Add BelowAverage Rule |
BelowOrEqualAverage | Add BelowOrEqualAverage Rule |
BelowStdDev | Add BelowStdDev Rule |
Between | Add Between Rule |
Bottom | Add Bottom Rule |
BottomPercent | Add BottomPercent Rule |
ContainsBlanks | Add ContainsBlanks Rule |
ContainsErrors | Add ContainsErrors Rule |
ContainsText | Add ContainsText Rule |
Databar | Adds a databar rule |
DuplicateValues | Add DuplicateValues Rule |
EndsWith | Add EndsWith Rule |
Equal | Add Equal Rule |
Expression | Add Expression Rule |
FiveIconSet | Adds a FiveIconSet rule |
FourIconSet | Adds a FourIconSet rule |
GreaterThan | Add GreaterThan Rule |
GreaterThanOrEqual | Add GreaterThanOrEqual Rule |
Last7Days | Add Last7Days Rule |
LastMonth | Add LastMonth Rule |
LastWeek | Add LastWeek Rule |
LessThan | Add LessThan Rule |
LessThanOrEqual | Add LessThanOrEqual Rule |
NextMonth | Add NextMonth Rule |
NextWeek | Add NextWeek Rule |
NotBetween | Add NotBetween Rule |
NotContainsBlanks | Add NotContainsBlanks Rule |
NotContainsErrors | Add NotContainsErrors Rule |
NotContainsText | Add NotContainsText Rule |
NotEqual | Add NotEqual Rule |
ThisMonth | Add ThisMonth Rule |
ThisWeek | Add ThisWeek Rule |
ThreeColorScale | Add ThreeColorScale Rule |
ThreeIconSet | Add ThreeIconSet Rule |
Today | Add Today Rule |
Tomorrow | Add Tomorrow Rule |
Top | Add Top Rule |
TopPercent | Add TopPercent Rule |
TwoColorScale | Add TwoColorScale Rule |
UniqueValues | Add Unique Rule |
Yesterday | Add Yesterday Rule |
Values for the Drawing command
Enum | Description |
AddChart | Add a new chart to the worksheet. Does not support Bubble-, Radar-, Stock- or Surface charts. |
AddPicture | Add a picure to the worksheet |
AddShape | Add a new shape to the worksheet |
Clear | Removes all drawings from the collection |
Remove | Removes a drawing. |
Values for the Protection command
Enum | Description |
AllowFormatRows | Allow users to Format rows |
AllowSort | Allow users to sort a range |
AllowDeleteRows | Allow users to delete rows |
AllowDeleteColumns | Allow users to delete columns |
AllowInsertHyperlinks | Allow users to insert hyperlinks |
AllowInsertRows | Allow users to insert rows |
AllowInsertColumns | Allow users to insert columns |
AllowAutoFilter | Allow users to use autofilters |
AllowPivotTables | Allow users to use pivottables |
AllowFormatCells | Allow users to format cells |
AllowEditScenarios | Allow users to edit senarios |
AllowEditObject | Allow users to edit objects |
AllowSelectUnlockedCells | Allow users to select unlocked cells |
AllowSelectLockedCells | Allow users to select locked cells |
IsProtected | If the worksheet is protected. |
AllowFormatColumns | Allow users to Format columns |
SetPassword | Sets a password for the sheet. |
Values for the RowValue command
Enum | Description |
Collapsed | If outline level is set this tells that the row is collapsed |
CustomHeight | Set to true if You do not want the row to Autosize |
Height | Sets the height of the row |
Hidden | Allows the row to be hidden in the worksheet |
Merged | Sets the merged row |
OutlineLevel | Outline level. |
PageBreak | Adds a manual page break after the row. |
Phonetic | Show phonetic Information |
StyleName | Sets the style for the entire column using a style name. |
Values for the VbaCodeModule and VbaModule command
Class | Type | Description |
Name | string | The name of the module |
Description | string | A description of the module |
Code | string | The code without any module level attributes. Can contain function level attributes. |
ReadOnly | bool? | If the module is readonly |
Private | bool? | If the module is private |
Values for the VbaReference command
Class | Type | Description |
Name | string | The name of the reference |
Libid | LibraryId | LibID For more info check VbaLibrary.LibraryId |
Values for the VbaCodeModule command
Enum | Description |
Get | Gets or adds the VBA Module (Name:null for the Workbook VBA Module) |
CodeModule | Gets the Workbook VBA Module |
AddModule | Adds a new VBA Module |
AddClass | Adds a new VBA public class |
AddPrivateClass | Adds a new VBA private class |
Values for the ViewAction command
Enum | Description |
FreezePane | Freeze the columns/rows to left and above the cell |
SetTabSelected | Sets whether the worksheet is selected within the workbook. |
UnfreezePane | Unlock all rows and columns to scroll freely |
Values for the WorkbookName command
Enum | Description |
Add | Add a new named range |
AddFormula | Sets whether the worksheet is selected within the workbook. |
AddValue | Add a defined name referencing value |
Remove | Remove a defined name from the collection |
Values for the WorkbookProtection command
Enum | Description |
LockStructure | Locks the structure, which prevents users from adding or deleting worksheets or from displaying hidden worksheets. |
LockWindows | Locks the position of the workbook window. |
LockRevision | Lock the workbook for revision |
SetPassword | Sets a password for the workbook. This does not encrypt the workbook. |
Formats for parsing string values.
Values for the ConditionalFormatting command
Json Examples:
{"formula": "0", "styles": ["lc34", "fc49"]}
Values for the Drawing command
Values for the CellStyle command
n* |
The numberformat | Description |
n:* | Format | Set the range to a specific value |
n$* | NumberformatPrec | Set the range to a specific value |
n%* | NumberformatPrec | Set the range to a specific value |
n,* | NumberformatPrec | Set the range to a specific value |
nd | ShortDatePattern | Set the range to a specific value |
f* |
Font styling | Description |
f:* | Font | The name of the font |
fx* | Size | The Size of the font |
ff* | Family | Font family |
fc* | Color | Cell color |
fs* | Scheme | Scheme |
fB | true | Font-bold |
fb | false | Font-bold |
fI | true | Font-italic |
fi | false | Font-italic |
fS | true | Font-Strikeout |
fs | false | Font-Strikeout |
fU | true | Font-Underline |
fu | false | Font-Underline |
fu:* | FontUnderline | Font-Underline Type |
. | fu:None | No underline |
. | fu:Single | Single underline |
. | fu:Double | Double underline |
. | fu:SingleAccounting | Single line accounting. The underline is drawn under characters such as j and g |
. | fu:DoubleAccounting | Double line accounting. The underline is drawn under of characters such as j and g |
fv* | VerticalAlignmentFont | Font-Vertical Align |
. | fvNone | None |
. | fvBaseline | The text in the parent run will be located at the baseline and presented in the same size as surrounding text |
. | fvSubscript | The text will be subscript. |
. | fvSuperscript | The text will be superscript. |
l* |
Fill styling | Description |
lc* | Color | The background color |
lf* | FillStyle | The pattern for solid fills. |
. | lfNone | No fill |
. | lfSolid | A solid fill |
. | lfDarkGray | Dark gray |
. | lfMediumGray | Medium gray |
. | lfLightGray | Light gray |
. | lfGray125 | Grayscale of 0.125, 1/8 |
. | lfGray0625 | Grayscale of 0.0625, 1/16 |
. | lfDarkVertical | Dark vertical |
. | lfDarkHorizontal | Dark horizontal |
. | lfDarkDown | Dark down |
. | lfDarkUp | Dark up |
. | lfDarkGrid | Dark grid |
. | lfDarkTrellis | Dark trellis |
. | lfLightVertical | Light vertical |
. | lfLightHorizontal | Light horizontal |
. | lfLightDown | Light down |
. | lfLightUp | Light up |
. | lfLightGrid | Light grid |
. | lfLightTrellis | Light trellis |
b* |
Border | Description |
bl* | BorderStyle | Left border style |
. | lfNone | No border style |
. | lfHair | Hairline |
. | lfDotted | Dotted |
. | lfDashDot | Dash Dot |
. | lfThin | Thin single line |
. | lfDashDotDot | Dash Dot Dot |
. | lfDashed | Dashed |
. | lfMediumDashDotDot | Dash Dot Dot, medium thickness |
. | lfMediumDashed | Dashed, medium thickness |
. | lfMediumDashDot | Dash Dot, medium thickness |
. | lfThick | Single line, Thick |
. | lfMedium | Single line, medium thickness |
. | lfDouble | Double line |
br* | BorderStyle | Right border style |
bt* | BorderStyle | Top border style |
bb* | BorderStyle | Bottom border style |
bdU | true | A diagonal from the bottom left to top right of the cell |
bdu | false | A diagonal from the bottom left to top right of the cell |
bdD | true | A diagonal from the top left to bottom right of the cell |
bdd | false | A diagonal from the top left to bottom right of the cell |
bd* | BorderStyle | Diagonal border style |
ba* | BorderStyle | Set the border style around the range. |
ha* |
Horizontal alignment | Description |
ha* | HorizontalAlignment | The horizontal alignment in the cell |
. | haGeneral | General aligned |
. | haLeft | Left aligned |
. | haCenter | Center aligned |
. | haCenterContinuous | The horizontal alignment is centered across multiple cells |
. | haRight | Right aligned |
. | haFill | The value of the cell should be filled across the entire width of the cell. |
. | haDistributed | Each word in each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the width of the cell |
. | haJustify | The horizontal alignment is justified to the Left and Right for each row. |
va* |
Vertical alignment | Description |
va* | VerticalAlignment | The vertical alignment in the cell |
. | vaTop | Top aligned |
. | vaCenter | Center aligned |
. | vaBottom | Bottom aligned |
. | vaDistributed | Distributed. Each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the height of the cell |
. | vaJustify | Justify. Each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the height of the cell |
* |
Wrap-Text | Description |
W | true | Wrap the text |
w | false | Wrap the text |
* |
Reading order | Description |
ro | ReadingOrder | Readingorder |
. | roContextDependent | Reading order is determined by the first non-whitespace character |
. | roLeftToRight | Left to Right |
. | roRightToLeft | Right to Left |
* |
Shrink to fit | Description |
STF | true | Shrink the text to fit |
stf | false | Shrink the text to fit |
* |
Indent | Description |
i | Integer | The margin between the border and the text |
* |
Text rotation | Description |
tr | Integer | Text orientation in degrees. Values range from 0 to 180 or 255. Setting the rotation to 255 will align text vertically. |
* |
Locked | Description |
L | true | If true the cell is locked for editing when the sheet is protected |
l | false | If true the cell is locked for editing when the sheet is protected |
* |
Hidden | Description |
H | true | If true the formula is hidden when the sheet is protected |
h | false | If true the formula is hidden when the sheet is protected |
* |
Quote prefix | Description |
QP | true | If true the cell has a quote prefix, which indicates the value of the cell is text. |
qp | false | If true the cell has a quote prefix, which indicates the value of the cell is text. |
Values for the CellValidation command
_ |
Base | Description |
_ | AllowBlank:true | Input allowed to be blank |
. | AllowBlank:false | Input not allowed to be blank |
I | ShowInputMessage:true | Input message should be shown |
i | ShowInputMessage:false | Input message should not be shown |
E | ShowErrorMessage:true | Error message should be shown |
e | ShowErrorMessage:false | Error message should not be shown |
et:* | ErrorTitle | Title of error message box |
e:* | Error | Error message box text |
pt:* | PromptTitle | Title of info box if input message should be shown |
p:* | Prompt | Info message text |
e |
ErrorStyle | Description |
undefined | Undefined | Warning style will be excluded |
stop | Stop | Stop warning style, invalid changes will not be accepted |
warning | Earning | Warning will be presented when an attempt to an invalid change is done, but the change will be accepted |
information | Information | Information warning style |
o |
Operator | Description |
>< | Between | Operator type (or ..) |
<> | NotBetween | Operator type (or !.) |
= | Equal | Operator type (or ==) |
!= | NotEqual | Operator type |
< | LessThan | Operator type |
<= | LessThanOrEqual | Operator type |
> | GreaterThan | Operator type |
>= | GreaterThanOrEqual | Operator type |
f |
ExcelFormula | Description |
f:* | Formula.ExcelFormula | An excel formula |
f2:* | Formula2.ExcelFormula | An excel formula |
v |
Value | Description |
v:* | Formula.Value | The value |
v2:* | Formula2.Value | The value |
Values for the return value of Commands
Flags | Description |
Normal | Normal operations. |
Continue | Continue to the next row. |
SkipCmds | Skip processing the attached commands. |
Values for the When fields of Commands
Flags | Description |
FirstSet | Execute on the first set in PushSet. |
First | Execute first before rows. |
Normal | Execute before normal writing. |
AfterNormal | Execute after normal writing. |
Last | Execute last after rows. |
LastSet | Execute on the last set in PushSet. |
Values for the When fields
Class | Type | Description |
XStart | int | Gets or sets where the cursor X starts per row. |
X | int | Gets or sets the cursor X coordinate. |
Y | int | Gets or sets the cursor Y coordinate. |
DeltaX | int | Gets or sets the amount the cursor X advances. |
DeltaY | int | Gets or sets the amount the cursor Y advances. |
CsvX | int | Gets or sets the cursor CsvX coordinate, advances with X. |
CsvY | int | Gets or sets the cursor CsvY coordinate, advances with Y. |
NextDirection | NextDirection | Gets or sets the next direction. |
CmdRows | Stack<CommandRow> |
Gets the stack of commands per row. |
CmdCols | Stack<CommandCol> |
Gets the stack of commands per column. |
CmdValues | Stack<CommandValue> |
Gets the stack of commands per value. |
Sets | Stack<IExcelSet> |
Gets the stack of sets. |
Frames | Stack<object> |
Gets the stack of frames. |
Frame | object | Gets the current frame. |
Flush | void | Flushes all pending commands. |
Get(cells) | ExcelRangeBase | Gets the specified range. |
Next(range) | ExcelRangeBase | Advances the cursor based on NextDirection. |
Next(column) | ExcelColumn | Advances the cursor to the next row. |
Next(row) | ExcelRow | Advances the cursor to the next row. |
The author of this library is Sky Morey.