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Transforms Csv to Excel spreadsheets using .NET and EPPlus


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ExcelTrans Transforms Csv to Excel spreadsheets using .NET and EPPlus.

It has the following services:

  • ExcelTrans a command based stream csv transformer
  • CsvReader for quickly reading csv documents
  • CsvWriter for quickly writing csv documents
  • ExcelReader for quickly reading excel documents

Source Code

This repository holds the implementation of ExcelTrans in C#.

Simple Example

static (Stream stream, string meta, string path) MakeInvoiceFile(IEnumerable<MyData> myData)
    var transform = ExcelService.Encode(new List<IExcelCommand>
        new WorksheetGet("Invoice"),
        new CellStyle(Address.Range, 0, 1, 2, 1, "lcYellow"),
    var s = new MemoryStream() as Stream;
    var w = new StreamWriter(s);
    // add transform to output
    // add csv file to output
    CsvWriter.Write(w, myData);
    s.Position = 0;
    var result = (s, "text/csv", "invoice.csv");
    // optionally transform
    result = ExcelService.Transform(result);
    return result;

static void TransferFile(string path, Stream stream, string file)
    path = Path.Combine(path, file);
    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)))
    using (var fileStream = File.Create(path))
        stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

var path = ...some path...;
var myData = ...some data...;
var file = MakeInvoiceFile(myData);
TransferFile(path,, file.path);


Class and Enum definitions.


Values for the Address fields

Enum Example Description
Cell A1 Cell relative address
CellAbs A1 Cell absolute address
Range A1:B1 Range relative address
RangeAbs A1:B1 Range absoulute address
RowOrCol A or 1 Row or Column address
ColToCol A:B Column to Column address
RowToRow 1:2 Row to Row addess


List of available commands

Command Description See Also
CellStyle Applies .Styles to the .Cells in range Styles
CellValidation Applies .Rules of .ValidationKind to the .Cells in range CellValidationKind ValidationRules
CellValue Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Cells in range CellValueKind
ColumnValue Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Col column ColumnValueKind
Command Executes .Action()
CommandCol Executes .Func() per Column
CommandRow Executes .Func() per Row
CommandValue Executes .Func() per Value
ConditionalFormatting Applies json .Json of .FormattingKind to .Address in range ConditionalFormattingKind Conditionals
Drawing Applies json .Json of .DrawingKind with .Name to .Address in range DrawingKind Drawings
Flush Flushes all pending commands
PopFrame Pops a Frame off the context stack
PopSet Pops a Set off the context stack
Protection Applies .Value of .ProtectionKind to current worksheet ProtectionKind
PushFrame Pushes a new Frame with cmds onto the context stack
PushSet Pushes a new Set with group and cmds onto the context stack
RowValue Applies .Value of .ValueKind to the .Row row RowValueKind
VbaModule Applies .Code of .ModuleKind to the VbaProject VbaModuleKind
VbaReference Adds .Libraries of type VbaLibrary to the VbaProject VbaLibrary
ViewAction Applies .Value of .ActionKind to the active spreadsheet ViewActionKind
WorkbookName Applies .Name range of .NameKind to the .Cells in range WorkbookNameKind
WorkbookOpen Opens a Workbook at .Path with optional .Password
WorkbookProtection Applies .Value of .ProtectionKind to Workbook WorkbookProtectionKind
WorksheetAdd Adds a Worksheet with .Name to current Workbook
WorksheetCopy Copies a Worksheet with .Name to a new Worksheet with .NewName in the current Workbook
WorksheetDelete Deletes a Worksheet with .Name from the current Workbook
WorksheetGet Gets a Worksheet with .Name from the current Workbook
WorksheetMove Moves a Worksheet with .Name to the Worksheet with .TargetName in the current Workbook


Values for the CellValidation command

Enum Description
Find Returns the first matching validation.
AnyValidation Adds a IExcelDataValidationAny to the worksheet.
CustomValidation Adds a IExcelDataValidationCustom to the worksheet.
DateTimeValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationDateTime to the worksheet. The only accepted values are DateTime values.
DecimalValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationDecimal to the worksheet. The only accepted values are decimal values.
IntegerValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationInt to the worksheet. The only accepted values are integer values.
ListValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationList to the worksheet. The accepted values are defined in a list.
TextLengthValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationInt regarding text length to the worksheet.
TimeValidation Adds an IExcelDataValidationTime to the worksheet. The only accepted values are Time values.


Values for the CellValue command

Enum Description
StyleName The named style
StyleID The style ID. It is not recomended to use this one.
Value Set the range to a specific value
Text Returns the formatted value.
Formula Gets or sets a formula for a range.
FormulaR1C1 Gets or Set a formula in R1C1 format.
Hyperlink Set the hyperlink property for a range of cells
Merge If the cells in the range are merged.
AutoFilter Set an autofilter for the range
AutoFitColumns Set the column width from the content of the range. The minimum width is the value of the ExcelWorksheet.defaultColumnWidth property. Note: Cells containing formulas must be calculated before autofit is called. Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored. (set-only)
ArrayFormula An array-formula
IsRichText If the value is in richtext format.
RichText Add a rich text string
RichTextClear Clear the collection
AddComment Adds a new comment for the range
Comment The comment
ThreadedComment Returns the threaded comment object of the first cell in the range
ConditionalFormatting Conditional Formatting for this range.
Copy Copies the range of cells to an other range
DataValidation Data validation for this range (get-only)


Values for the ColumnValue command

Enum Description
AutoFit Set the column width from the content of the range. The minimum width is the value of the ExcelWorksheet.defaultColumnWidth property. Note: Cells containing formulas are ignored since EPPlus don't have a calculation engine. Wrapped and merged cells are also ignored. (set-only)
BestFit If set to true a column automaticlly resize(grow wider) when a user inputs numbers in a cell.
Merged none
Width Sets the width of the column in the worksheet
TrueWidth Set width to a scaled-value that should result in the nearest possible value to the true desired setting. (set-only)


Values for the ConditionalFormatting command

Enum Description
AboveAverage Add AboveAverage Rule
AboveOrEqualAverage Add AboveOrEqualAverage Rule
AboveStdDev Add AboveStdDev Rule
BeginsWith Add BeginsWith Rule
BelowAverage Add BelowAverage Rule
BelowOrEqualAverage Add BelowOrEqualAverage Rule
BelowStdDev Add BelowStdDev Rule
Between Add Between Rule
Bottom Add Bottom Rule
BottomPercent Add BottomPercent Rule
ContainsBlanks Add ContainsBlanks Rule
ContainsErrors Add ContainsErrors Rule
ContainsText Add ContainsText Rule
Databar Adds a databar rule
DuplicateValues Add DuplicateValues Rule
EndsWith Add EndsWith Rule
Equal Add Equal Rule
Expression Add Expression Rule
FiveIconSet Adds a FiveIconSet rule
FourIconSet Adds a FourIconSet rule
GreaterThan Add GreaterThan Rule
GreaterThanOrEqual Add GreaterThanOrEqual Rule
Last7Days Add Last7Days Rule
LastMonth Add LastMonth Rule
LastWeek Add LastWeek Rule
LessThan Add LessThan Rule
LessThanOrEqual Add LessThanOrEqual Rule
NextMonth Add NextMonth Rule
NextWeek Add NextWeek Rule
NotBetween Add NotBetween Rule
NotContainsBlanks Add NotContainsBlanks Rule
NotContainsErrors Add NotContainsErrors Rule
NotContainsText Add NotContainsText Rule
NotEqual Add NotEqual Rule
ThisMonth Add ThisMonth Rule
ThisWeek Add ThisWeek Rule
ThreeColorScale Add ThreeColorScale Rule
ThreeIconSet Add ThreeIconSet Rule
Today Add Today Rule
Tomorrow Add Tomorrow Rule
Top Add Top Rule
TopPercent Add TopPercent Rule
TwoColorScale Add TwoColorScale Rule
UniqueValues Add Unique Rule
Yesterday Add Yesterday Rule


Values for the Drawing command

Enum Description
AddChart Add a new chart to the worksheet. Does not support Bubble-, Radar-, Stock- or Surface charts.
AddPicture Add a picure to the worksheet
AddShape Add a new shape to the worksheet
Clear Removes all drawings from the collection
Remove Removes a drawing.


Values for the Protection command

Enum Description
AllowFormatRows Allow users to Format rows
AllowSort Allow users to sort a range
AllowDeleteRows Allow users to delete rows
AllowDeleteColumns Allow users to delete columns
AllowInsertHyperlinks Allow users to insert hyperlinks
AllowInsertRows Allow users to insert rows
AllowInsertColumns Allow users to insert columns
AllowAutoFilter Allow users to use autofilters
AllowPivotTables Allow users to use pivottables
AllowFormatCells Allow users to format cells
AllowEditScenarios Allow users to edit senarios
AllowEditObject Allow users to edit objects
AllowSelectUnlockedCells Allow users to select unlocked cells
AllowSelectLockedCells Allow users to select locked cells
IsProtected If the worksheet is protected.
AllowFormatColumns Allow users to Format columns
SetPassword Sets a password for the sheet.


Values for the RowValue command

Enum Description
Collapsed If outline level is set this tells that the row is collapsed
CustomHeight Set to true if You do not want the row to Autosize
Height Sets the height of the row
Hidden Allows the row to be hidden in the worksheet
Merged Sets the merged row
OutlineLevel Outline level.
PageBreak Adds a manual page break after the row.
Phonetic Show phonetic Information
StyleName Sets the style for the entire column using a style name.


Values for the VbaCodeModule and VbaModule command

Class Type Description
Name string The name of the module
Description string A description of the module
Code string The code without any module level attributes. Can contain function level attributes.
ReadOnly bool? If the module is readonly
Private bool? If the module is private


Values for the VbaReference command

Class Type Description
Name string The name of the reference
Libid LibraryId LibID For more info check VbaLibrary.LibraryId


Values for the VbaCodeModule command

Enum Description
Get Gets or adds the VBA Module (Name:null for the Workbook VBA Module)
CodeModule Gets the Workbook VBA Module
AddModule Adds a new VBA Module
AddClass Adds a new VBA public class
AddPrivateClass Adds a new VBA private class


Values for the ViewAction command

Enum Description
FreezePane Freeze the columns/rows to left and above the cell
SetTabSelected Sets whether the worksheet is selected within the workbook.
UnfreezePane Unlock all rows and columns to scroll freely


Values for the WorkbookName command

Enum Description
Add Add a new named range
AddFormula Sets whether the worksheet is selected within the workbook.
AddValue Add a defined name referencing value
Remove Remove a defined name from the collection


Values for the WorkbookProtection command

Enum Description
LockStructure Locks the structure, which prevents users from adding or deleting worksheets or from displaying hidden worksheets.
LockWindows Locks the position of the workbook window.
LockRevision Lock the workbook for revision
SetPassword Sets a password for the workbook. This does not encrypt the workbook.


Formats for parsing string values.


Values for the ConditionalFormatting command

Json Examples:

{"formula": "0", "styles": ["lc34", "fc49"]}


Values for the Drawing command

Styles : Color


Values for the CellStyle command

n* The numberformat Description
n:* Format Set the range to a specific value
n$* NumberformatPrec Set the range to a specific value
n%* NumberformatPrec Set the range to a specific value
n,* NumberformatPrec Set the range to a specific value
nd ShortDatePattern Set the range to a specific value
f* Font styling Description
f:* Font The name of the font
fx* Size The Size of the font
ff* Family Font family
fc* Color Cell color
fs* Scheme Scheme
fB true Font-bold
fb false Font-bold
fI true Font-italic
fi false Font-italic
fS true Font-Strikeout
fs false Font-Strikeout
fU true Font-Underline
fu false Font-Underline
fu:* FontUnderline Font-Underline Type
. fu:None No underline
. fu:Single Single underline
. fu:Double Double underline
. fu:SingleAccounting Single line accounting. The underline is drawn under characters such as j and g
. fu:DoubleAccounting Double line accounting. The underline is drawn under of characters such as j and g
fv* VerticalAlignmentFont Font-Vertical Align
. fvNone None
. fvBaseline The text in the parent run will be located at the baseline and presented in the same size as surrounding text
. fvSubscript The text will be subscript.
. fvSuperscript The text will be superscript.
l* Fill styling Description
lc* Color The background color
lf* FillStyle The pattern for solid fills.
. lfNone No fill
. lfSolid A solid fill
. lfDarkGray Dark gray
. lfMediumGray Medium gray
. lfLightGray Light gray
. lfGray125 Grayscale of 0.125, 1/8
. lfGray0625 Grayscale of 0.0625, 1/16
. lfDarkVertical Dark vertical
. lfDarkHorizontal Dark horizontal
. lfDarkDown Dark down
. lfDarkUp Dark up
. lfDarkGrid Dark grid
. lfDarkTrellis Dark trellis
. lfLightVertical Light vertical
. lfLightHorizontal Light horizontal
. lfLightDown Light down
. lfLightUp Light up
. lfLightGrid Light grid
. lfLightTrellis Light trellis
b* Border Description
bl* BorderStyle Left border style
. lfNone No border style
. lfHair Hairline
. lfDotted Dotted
. lfDashDot Dash Dot
. lfThin Thin single line
. lfDashDotDot Dash Dot Dot
. lfDashed Dashed
. lfMediumDashDotDot Dash Dot Dot, medium thickness
. lfMediumDashed Dashed, medium thickness
. lfMediumDashDot Dash Dot, medium thickness
. lfThick Single line, Thick
. lfMedium Single line, medium thickness
. lfDouble Double line
br* BorderStyle Right border style
bt* BorderStyle Top border style
bb* BorderStyle Bottom border style
bdU true A diagonal from the bottom left to top right of the cell
bdu false A diagonal from the bottom left to top right of the cell
bdD true A diagonal from the top left to bottom right of the cell
bdd false A diagonal from the top left to bottom right of the cell
bd* BorderStyle Diagonal border style
ba* BorderStyle Set the border style around the range.
ha* Horizontal alignment Description
ha* HorizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment in the cell
. haGeneral General aligned
. haLeft Left aligned
. haCenter Center aligned
. haCenterContinuous The horizontal alignment is centered across multiple cells
. haRight Right aligned
. haFill The value of the cell should be filled across the entire width of the cell.
. haDistributed Each word in each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the width of the cell
. haJustify The horizontal alignment is justified to the Left and Right for each row.
va* Vertical alignment Description
va* VerticalAlignment The vertical alignment in the cell
. vaTop Top aligned
. vaCenter Center aligned
. vaBottom Bottom aligned
. vaDistributed Distributed. Each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the height of the cell
. vaJustify Justify. Each line of text inside the cell is evenly distributed across the height of the cell
* Wrap-Text Description
W true Wrap the text
w false Wrap the text
* Reading order Description
ro ReadingOrder Readingorder
. roContextDependent Reading order is determined by the first non-whitespace character
. roLeftToRight Left to Right
. roRightToLeft Right to Left
* Shrink to fit Description
STF true Shrink the text to fit
stf false Shrink the text to fit
* Indent Description
i Integer The margin between the border and the text
* Text rotation Description
tr Integer Text orientation in degrees. Values range from 0 to 180 or 255. Setting the rotation to 255 will align text vertically.
* Locked Description
L true If true the cell is locked for editing when the sheet is protected
l false If true the cell is locked for editing when the sheet is protected
* Hidden Description
H true If true the formula is hidden when the sheet is protected
h false If true the formula is hidden when the sheet is protected
* Quote prefix Description
QP true If true the cell has a quote prefix, which indicates the value of the cell is text.
qp false If true the cell has a quote prefix, which indicates the value of the cell is text.


Values for the CellValidation command

_ Base Description
_ AllowBlank:true Input allowed to be blank
. AllowBlank:false Input not allowed to be blank
I ShowInputMessage:true Input message should be shown
i ShowInputMessage:false Input message should not be shown
E ShowErrorMessage:true Error message should be shown
e ShowErrorMessage:false Error message should not be shown
et:* ErrorTitle Title of error message box
e:* Error Error message box text
pt:* PromptTitle Title of info box if input message should be shown
p:* Prompt Info message text
e ErrorStyle Description
undefined Undefined Warning style will be excluded
stop Stop Stop warning style, invalid changes will not be accepted
warning Earning Warning will be presented when an attempt to an invalid change is done, but the change will be accepted
information Information Information warning style
o Operator Description
>< Between Operator type (or ..)
<> NotBetween Operator type (or !.)
= Equal Operator type (or ==)
!= NotEqual Operator type
< LessThan Operator type
<= LessThanOrEqual Operator type
> GreaterThan Operator type
>= GreaterThanOrEqual Operator type
f ExcelFormula Description
f:* Formula.ExcelFormula An excel formula
f2:* Formula2.ExcelFormula An excel formula
v Value Description
v:* Formula.Value The value
v2:* Formula2.Value The value

Reference - Advanced


Values for the return value of Commands

Flags Description
Normal Normal operations.
Continue Continue to the next row.
SkipCmds Skip processing the attached commands.


Values for the When fields of Commands

Flags Description
FirstSet Execute on the first set in PushSet.
First Execute first before rows.
Normal Execute before normal writing.
AfterNormal Execute after normal writing.
Last Execute last after rows.
LastSet Execute on the last set in PushSet.


Values for the When fields

Class Type Description
XStart int Gets or sets where the cursor X starts per row.
X int Gets or sets the cursor X coordinate.
Y int Gets or sets the cursor Y coordinate.
DeltaX int Gets or sets the amount the cursor X advances.
DeltaY int Gets or sets the amount the cursor Y advances.
CsvX int Gets or sets the cursor CsvX coordinate, advances with X.
CsvY int Gets or sets the cursor CsvY coordinate, advances with Y.
NextDirection NextDirection Gets or sets the next direction.
CmdRows Stack<CommandRow> Gets the stack of commands per row.
CmdCols Stack<CommandCol> Gets the stack of commands per column.
CmdValues Stack<CommandValue> Gets the stack of commands per value.
Sets Stack<IExcelSet> Gets the stack of sets.
Frames Stack<object> Gets the stack of frames.
Frame object Gets the current frame.
Flush void Flushes all pending commands.
Get(cells) ExcelRangeBase Gets the specified range.
Next(range) ExcelRangeBase Advances the cursor based on NextDirection.
Next(column) ExcelColumn Advances the cursor to the next row.
Next(row) ExcelRow Advances the cursor to the next row.


The author of this library is Sky Morey.


Transforms Csv to Excel spreadsheets using .NET and EPPlus







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