Ryuutama System for Foundry VTT
I am currently not able to update this project to be compatible with 0.8.X. I am unable to dedicate the time needed to review every breaking change and potentially rewrite this entire project. I know that maybe disappointing, but the reality is, projects like this are hobbies and support for them does not put food on the table for my family.
I am still in the process of finalizing some of the compendiums. Most things do not have icons/art for them, and use the default icon. Tutorials on how to use the system will come at a later time. They are in the process of being written and will be included in the wiki section when complete. If you would like to buy me a beer, or a pizza or something: https://www.paypal.me/reaver01
If you have ideas, or find bugs, please report them in the issues section!
Game icons come from https://game-icons.net/ and there use is covered by the Creative Commons 3.0 BY license.
This is fan made content. Info about Ryuutama's licensing can be found here: http://kotohi.com/ryuutama/licensing/