2.2.0 - The tracing upgrade
Bug Fixes
job name - (fd68da8 ) - Max batleforc
huge upgrade of the tool tracing module in order to jump from the - (ff3d2be ) - Max batleforc
upgrade ci/cd - (4dfeeec ) - Max batleforc
add project key - (5798119 ) - Max batleforc
update - (3f4fbbe ) - Max batleforc
workkk - (6bb4b14 ) - Max batleforc
fix ? - (7e556dd ) - Max batleforc
try - (2f40fe2 ) - Max batleforc
add step to push build - (fb432ef ) - Max batleforc
add two new job, one provide Sonar scan and the other one provide - (dfa92e0 ) - Max batleforc
upgrade json patch and add catalog info about this project - (5bb2044 ) - Max batleforc
WIP rewriting the restart from devfile logique - (d2ce6ff ) - Max batleforc
Add DevWorkSpaceTemplate CRD in order to handle the Editor - (9484314 ) - Max batleforc
Remove devfile to struct usage and use the decorator, add more doc - (605a21e ) - Max batleforc
apply format - (502e816 ) - Max batleforc
WIP create devfile format - (f9bb0ac ) - Max batleforc
You can’t perform that action at this time.