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Setting up WiFi credentials

Carlo Maria Curinga edited this page May 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

This feature relies on resin-wifi-connect

On boot, the BoomBeastic will attempt to connect to a known (previously configured) WiFi hotspot. If it won't find any, it will turn into an hotspot itself (this is called wifi-connect mode). The name of the hotspot will be BoomBeastic-xxxxxxx where "xxxxxxx" will be the Unique Identifier of your device. You can change the name of this hotspot by setting the PORTAL_SSID environment variable ( see Configuring your BoomBeastic )

You can tell when the device is in wifi-connect mode looking at its LED Matrix: it will show a WiFi icon as per the picture below

wifi-connect mode

Upon connection on the BoomBeastic hotspot, you will be prompted by its captive portal to insert your desired WiFi Credentials

captive portal prompt

Setting your credential is then pretty straight-forward

captive portal form

If the procedure is successful, the LED Matrix will show a smiling face again :) if not, you will need to repeat the operation, double-check the credentials!