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update testcontainers #133

update testcontainers

update testcontainers #133

GitHub Actions / Test Results failed Jan 13, 2025 in 0s

1 errors, 11 skipped, 1β€ˆ095 pass in 1m 7s

1β€ˆ107 tests  +19   1β€ˆ095 βœ… +14   1m 7s ⏱️ +27s
β€‡β€ˆβ€‡β€‡4 suites ± 0β€‚β€ƒβ€ƒβ€‡β€ˆβ€‡11 πŸ’€ + 7 
β€‡β€ˆβ€‡β€‡4 files   ± 0β€‚β€ƒβ€ƒβ€‡β€ˆβ€‡β€‡0 ❌ ± 0   1 πŸ”₯  -β€Š2 

Results for commit 30fcd25. ± Comparison against earlier commit 23d5fb9.


Check failure on line 0 in tests.sandbox_tests.test_concurrent.ConcurrentTransactionsTestCase

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

test_1_originate_contract (tests.sandbox_tests.test_concurrent.ConcurrentTransactionsTestCase) with error

sandbox_test_results.xml [took 7s]
Raw output
failed on setup with "pytezos.rpc.node.RpcError: ({'id': 'proto.021-PsQuebec.constants.invalid_protocol_constants',
  'kind': 'permanent',
  'reason': 'The DAL committee must be a subset of the Tenderbake committee.'},)"
cls = <class 'test_concurrent.ConcurrentTransactionsTestCase'>

    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
>       super().setUpClass()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
src/pytezos/sandbox/ in setUpClass
src/pytezos/sandbox/ in activate
    return self.client.using(key='dictator').activate_protocol(protocol).fill().sign().inject()
src/pytezos/ in __call__
    return method(self.obj, *args, **kwargs)
src/pytezos/block/ in fill
    res =
src/pytezos/ in __call__
    return method(self.obj, *args, **kwargs)
src/pytezos/rpc/ in post
    return self._post(
src/pytezos/rpc/ in _post
src/pytezos/rpc/ in post
    response = self.request(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <pytezos.rpc.node.RpcNode object at 0x7fe3a832b560>

Node address
method = 'POST', path = '/chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/preapply/block'
kwargs = {'json': {'operations': [], 'protocol_data': {'content': {'command': 'activate', 'fitness': ['02', '00000001', '', 'ff...ZsuB2KiHbZRGFz72XgF6KaKADznh674fQgBatxw3xdHqTtMHUZAGRprxy64wg1aq'}}, 'params': {'sort': True, 'timestamp': 1530374853}}
res = <Response [500]>

    def request(self, method: str, path: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
        """Perform HTTP request to node.
        :param method: one of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
        :param path: path to endpoint
        :param kwargs: requests.request arguments
        :raises RpcError: node has returned an error
        :returns: node response
        logger.debug('>>>>> %s %s\n%s', method, path, json.dumps(kwargs, indent=4))
        res = requests.request(
            url=_urljoin(self.uri[0], path),
            headers={'content-type': 'application/json', 'user-agent': 'PyTezos', **self.headers},
            timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', None) or 60,
        if res.status_code == 401:
            logger.debug('<<<<< %s\n%s', res.status_code, res.text)
            raise RpcError(f'Unauthorized: {path}')
        if res.status_code == 404:
            logger.debug('<<<<< %s\n%s', res.status_code, res.text)
            raise RpcError(f'Not found: {path}')
        if res.status_code != 200:
            logger.debug('<<<<< %s\n%s', res.status_code, pformat(res.text, indent=4))
>           raise RpcError.from_response(res)
E           pytezos.rpc.node.RpcError: ({'id': 'proto.021-PsQuebec.constants.invalid_protocol_constants',
E             'kind': 'permanent',
E             'reason': 'The DAL committee must be a subset of the Tenderbake committee.'},)

src/pytezos/rpc/ RpcError