- Don't show the call stack for a Babel error (such as when you have a syntax error) (@andreypopp)
- resolve the .babelrc relative to the file path rather than the cwd (current working directory) (
- fix: more concise formatting for Babel errors (
#287) (Andrey Popp)
- fix(resolve-rc): resolve-rc relative file path (
#253) (Luke Page)
- add babel-core and preset-2015 to dev dependencies (
#273) (timse)
- chore(docs): add issue and pr templates (
#280) (Joshua Wiens)
- chore(docs): fix badge formatting (Joshua Wiens)
- chore(ci): expand travis testing (
#278) (Joshua Wiens)
- Update README: add env vars to cacheIdentifier (
#267) (Dominik Ferber)
- add npm badge [skip ci](Henry Zhu)
- update [skip ci](Henry Zhu)
- remove jsx references as well [skip ci](Henry Zhu)
- Save the transform to devDependencies (Ray Booysen)
- Remove 'react' preset (Jake Rios)
- Removed babel-preset-react from README.md (Ben Stephenson)