- ROS 2 foxy (Ubuntu 20.04)
1.Clone the repository
$git clone https://github.com/azu-lab/LET_CBG_Executor.git
2.Set environment variables
$cd LET_CBG_Executor
$source /ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
$colcon build --symlink-install
1.Set environment variables
Open a new terminal
$sudo su
$cd Evaluation_tool/ros2_examples/rclcpp/cbg-executor_ping-pong
$source /ros2_foxy/install/setup.bash
$source /LET_CBG_Executor/install/setup.bash
$colcon build --symlink-install
$source /install/setup.bash
Start the executable by
$ros2 run cbg-executor_ping-pong_cpp ping-pong args...
where args... are ten or eleven arguments as follows:
[type] [rt_ping_period_us] [be_ping_period_us] [rt_busyloop_us] [be_busyloop_us] [cpu_id]
type: determines the nodes included in this process:
i: ping node only
o: pong node only
io: ping node and pong node
rt_ping_period_us: microseconds between publishing of ping messages by real-time thread
in ping node
be_ping_period_us: microseconds between publishing of ping messages by best-effort
thread in ping node
rt_busyloop_us: microseconds of computation by real-time thread in pong node before
answering with pong
be_busyloop_us: microseconds of computation by best-effort thread in pong node before
mode: default/let
rt_letperiod_ns: let period
be_letperiod_ns: let period
cpu_id (optional): pins both, real-time thread and best-effort thread, to the given cpu
When using type i, a second process with type o has to be started simultaneously.