- For incremental development using spring-boot technologies, and applying 12factor principles to the project
- Eclipse or Intellij IDEA
- JDK 1.8 or later welcome
- Maven
- Install PostgresSQL database, and create Db "springtech" with user/pwd: postgres/postgres and follow db/postgresql PostgreSQL(e.g. version 11.3, pgAdmin 4)
- embedded Tomcat provided by Spring Boot, but welcome to change it to Jetty or etc.
- Extract FakeSMTP server under docs folder and just run it before tryin mail-services
git clone https://github.com/azatsatklichov/springtech.git
Just in command line run below command
Please, look the instructions in docker-compose.yml
To test API, use either Browser-Swagger, Postman REST client, IntelliJ http-client in scratches, or JUnit
A. Test on browser
B. Via Swagger
C. Postman
Install Postman client. POST method, http://localhost:9999/api/rate Set headers: Content-Type = application/json Accept = application/json
BODY { "amount": 3, "product": "Nike" }
D. IntelliJ Scratches
See scratches directory
- Spring Boot project
- Thymeleaf
- Lombok
- Swagger, Postman, IntelliJ http client, Spring REST clients
- JPA/JPS Data Integration
- Flyway
- Config Properties
- Spring Test with Selenium
- Mail services
- Messaging
- Security