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bug 🐞
bug :lady_beetle:
Something isn't working
Indicates a PR has been closed because the author has been inactive for a long period of time.
Mark for deprecation. See OEP-21
discovery 🔎
discovery :mag_right:
pre-work to determine if idea is feasible
duplicate 👯‍♂️
duplicate :dancing_men:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 🚀
enhancement :rocket:
update/improvement to an existing feature
epic 💫
epic :dizzy:
a large unit of work, consisting of many tasks
feature 🌟
feature :star2:
new addition of functionality
good first issue 🎉
good first issue :tada:
Good for newcomers
🛠️ maintenance
:hammer_and_wrench: maintenance
work that must be done for platform health
help wanted 🙋‍♀️
help wanted :raising_hand_woman:
Extra attention is needed
The PR hasn't been updated (code or comments) by the author for a long period of time.
initiative 💯
initiative :100:
parent ticket to epics
needs test run
needs test run
A PR whose author is not a part of 2U or tCRIL
question ❔
question :grey_question:
Further information is requested
requirement ✅
requirement :white_check_mark:
this ticket's required for a project phase/MVP
waiting on author
waiting on author
The PR or issue is waiting on a response from the author
wontfix 🙅‍♀️
wontfix :no_good_woman:
This will not be worked on