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The memoire I produced for my internship in 2015 on using random forests for scoring.

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ArsClassica Analytics

LaTeX thesis template based on ArsClassica (version 4.0.3) and ClassicThesis (version 4.1) packages with custom and useful additions.

This template provides the following enhancements:

  • Completely automated compilation task

  • Additional typographical niceties

  • Fixes and extensions (see file settings.tex):

    • Bibliography back-end default to biber

    • Support multi-line titles

    • Two different styles for chapter numbers

    • Integrated analytical index

    • Custom commands to indexing terms (e.g., \keywordsub[category]{term})

    • Support for acronyms

    • Predefined custom environments (e.g., theorems, definitions)

    • Custom reference examples

    • Predefined listings environment

    • Predefined pseudo-code language and style for listings

    • Various utility commands (e.g., \lwcase to lowercase the first letter of the word that follows it)


  • A complete LaTeX distribution (e.g., texlive).

  • The make build automation utility.


The suggested workflow is:

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone [email protected]:leodido/arsclassica.git.

  2. Create a new branch:

    cd ~/arsclassica && git checkout -b mythesis.

  3. First-time complete build of the thesis:

    make -s thesis.

  4. Write a wonderful (not only typographically) thesis. No more excuses.


  • Remove all the generated files except the PDFs:

    make -s clean.

  • Remove all the generated files:

    make -s distclean.

  • Compile the thesis:

    make -s thesis.

    This command embeds the correct sequence of commands relevant for the proper compilation of the thesis, including analytical index, bibliography, and title page.

  • Update the analytical index:

    make -s index && make -s tex.


This template does not need any specific editor to work: you can simply use which editor you want.

However, if you prefer to use Sublime Text you can edit and compile arsclassica template simply installing LaTeXTools package.

Create a Sublime Text project file containing:

            "path": ".",
            "file_exclude_patterns": ["*-blx.bib", "*.aux", "*.bbl", "*.blg", "*.fdb_latexmk", "*.lof", "*.log", "*.lot", "*.run", "*.run.xml", "*.synctex", "*.synctex.gz", "*.toc", "*.sublime-project", "*.sublime-project~", "*.sublime-workspace", "*.sublime-workspace~"]
    "TEXroot": "./arsclassica.tex" 

Put the project file inside the folder, open Sublime Text and compile it (CTRL + B).

Note that this actions is equivalent to make -s tex. Therefore, before running it, you need to do a complete compilation (i.e., make -s thesis).

Title page

An alternative and simple frontispiece is provided. See file frontispiece_simple.tex in the frontmatter directory.

How to use: substitute it to frontispiece.tex and run make -s simplethesis.


  • Lorenzo Pantieri,

    author of ArsClassica package which is aimed to improve some ty­po­graph­i­cal points of the Clas­sicTh­e­sis style.

    Documentation and features explaination ca be found here.

  • André Miede,

    author of ClassicThesis package (link) which pro­vides an el­e­gant lay­out de­signed in homage to Bringhurst’s "The Ele­ments of Ty­po­graphic Style".


The memoire I produced for my internship in 2015 on using random forests for scoring.






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