Copies the url from a focused Chrome window if the URL matches Jira URL
input in the workflow config, and returns the Jira key eg. JIRA-2727.
Afterwards it either copies it into your clipboard or starts tracking with Toggl.
- Download the latest release
- Open the downloaded file in Finder.
- Make sure Toggl Track is installed
- If running on macOS Catalina or later, you MUST add Alfred to the list of security exceptions for running unsigned software. See this guide for instructions on how to do this.
When trying to start a toggl tracking through the workflow for the first time, you'll be asked for a Toggl API token, this can be found here.
To start tracking with this workflow, you'll need a workspace ID, this can be found with the following command, using the API token found above:
curl -u <API_TOKEN>:api_token -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET
⌘ + . - Copy the jira issue of the active chrome window to your clipboard
⌘ ⇧ + . - Copy the jira issue of the active chrome window and start a toggl entry with it.
- If an entry is already running, you will be prompted if you want to start a new one or if you want to override the description in the running tracker.