With PyWiglenet you can get the location of an WiFi Access Point using the Wigle.net API. The response should give you latitude, longitude, SSID and historical data if the network is found.
You will need a username and password (don't worry, is free) from Wigle.net.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/atarantini/pywiglenet
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Import and create an instance of the Wigle class with username and password; then query the API using the query method:
>>> from pywiglenet import Wigle
>>> wigle = Wigle("username", "password")
>>> print wigle.query_mac("00:14:A5:90:7A:A4")
{u'bcninterval': None,
u'channel': u'11',
u'comment': None,
u'dhcp': u'?',
u'discoverer': u'alansc02',
u'firsttime': u'2012-11-29 12:35:36',
u'flags': None,
u'freenet': u'?',
u'lasttime': u'2013-06-04 03:47:00',
u'lastupdt': u'2013-06-04 03:50:27',
u'locationData': [
{u'accuracy': u'10',
u'alt': u'55',
u'lastupdt': u'2012-11-29 11:28:25',
u'latitude': u'-34.57761383',
u'longitude': u'-58.50290680',
u'month': u'201211',
u'name': None,
u'netid': u'00:14:A5:90:7A:A4',
u'noise': None,
u'signal': u'-82',
u'snr': None,
u'ssid': u'FIBERTEL-WIFI',
u'time': u'2012-11-29 12:35:36',
u'wep': u'Y'}
u'name': None,
u'netid': u'00:14:A5:90:7A:A4',
u'paynet': u'?',
u'qos': u'2',
u'ssid': u'FIBERTEL-WIFI',
u'transid': u'20121129-00735',
u'trilat': u'-34.57771683',
u'trilong': u'-58.50284195',
u'type': u'infra',
u'visible': u'Y',
u'wep': u'Y'}
You can find the aproximate location looking at the trilat and trilong keys.
GPLv3, see COPYNG file.
Andres Tarantini ([email protected])