This website offers all the frontend courses available to its users.
Team Members 🤝
Main Pages 📚
- Landing Page
- Register page
- Login Page
- Courses Page
- Track course page
- My account page
- Payment gateway
Sources 🔓
- Images: Frontend-masters
- Fonts: Google Fonts,sans-serif family
- Icons:Awesome Icon
- Live demo:Frontend-Masters
Funtionality 💥
- Responsive landing page
- Signup page using mongodb database
- Login page using mongodb database
- Enrolling particular course
- Tracking course progress using circular progress bar
- Payment gateway
- Course video play
Steps to run website locally 🌻
- Open GitBash in the location you want to clone and store the files
- Copy-Paste the command "git clone" on the terminal and run it
- Install all the dependencies required by typing "npm install" in the terminal
- Then run "npm run server" on the terminal
- use "localhost:3000" on your browser to run the website locally
Screenshots of pages 🖼️