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Basic information of all courses in our catalog
[GET] /api/catalog/catalog_json/
View all courses we have information forName | Description |
If set to 'long', returns the title of each course as well. Available values : long |
[GET] /api/catalog/catalog_json/course_box/
Find grades_ids for the specified courseReturns general information about the course specified, including the title, description, semesters offered, etc.
Name | Description |
course_id *
The course id of the course that needs to be fetched. Course ids can be found using the catalog/catalog_json endpoint. |
Code | Description |
200 |
successful operation
{ "course": { "units": "4.0", "description": "Basic concepts of operating system", "title": "Operating Systems and System Programming", "prerequisits": "COMPSCI 61B, COMPSCI 61C, and COMPSCI 70.", "abbreviation": "COMPSCI", "enrolled_percentage": 1, "department": "Computer Science", "enrolled_max": 400, "waitlisted": 0, "enrolled": 400, "grade_average": 3.18664596273292, "course_number": "162", "id": 2337, "letter_average": "B+" }, "last_enrollment_update": "2020-01-01 00:00:00", "requirements": [ "Computer Science", "4 Units", "Quantitative Reasoning", "Spring 2020" ], "favorited": false, "ongoing": true, "cover_photo": "GENERIC", "sections": [ { "cnn": "28300", "section_number": "001", "kind": "Lecture", "instructor": "KUBIATOWICZ J", "location_name": "Valley Life Sciences 2050", "word_days": "TuTh", "start_time": "1900-01-01T17:00:00", "end_time": "1900-01-01T18:29:00", "enrolled": 400, "enrolled_max": 400, "waitlisted": 0, "final_day": "5", "final_start": "1900-01-01T11:30:00", "final_end": "1900-01-01T14:30:00", "id": 289041 } ], "ongoing_sections": [ { "cnn": "28300", "section_number": "001", "kind": "Lecture", "instructor": "KUBIATOWICZ J", "location_name": "Valley Life Sciences 2050", "word_days": "TuTh", "start_time": "1900-01-01T17:00:00", "end_time": "1900-01-01T18:29:00", "enrolled": 400, "enrolled_max": 400, "waitlisted": 0, "final_day": "5", "final_start": "1900-01-01T11:30:00", "final_end": "1900-01-01T14:30:00", "id": 289041 } ] } |
Access all previous course grades in our database
[GET] /api/grades/grades_json/
View all courses that we have grade information forName | Description |
If set to 'long', returns the title of each course as well. Available values : long |
[GET] /api/grades/course_grades/{course_id}/
Find grades_ids for the specified courseReturns information on which sections of which semesters we have grades data on a course. These sections are uniquely identified by a grades_id field.
Name | Description |
course_id *
The course id of the course that needs to be fetched. Course ids can be found using the grades/grades_json endpoint. |
[GET] /api/grades/sections/{grades_id}/
Find grade information of specified coursesReturns grade information on the section identified by grades_id.
Name | Description |
grades_id *
The grades id of the course grades that needs to be fetched. Grade ids can be found using the grades/course_grades endpoint. |
Code | Description |
200 |
successful operation
{ "title": "COMPSCI 162", "subtitle": "Operating Systems and System Programming", "course_id": 2337, "course_letter": "B+", "course_gpa": 3.187, "section_letter": "B+", "section_gpa": 3.365, "denomintor": 464, "A+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "A": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "A-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "D": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "F": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "P": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "NP": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 } } |
[GET] /api/grades/sections/{grades_id_1}&{grades_id_2}/
Find grade information of specified coursesReturns aggregated grade information on sections identified by grades_id_2 and grades_id_2, but not limited to just two sections. Section grade IDs are delimited by '&' and must be from the same course.
Name | Description |
grades_id_1 *
The grades id of the course grades that needs to be fetched. Grade ids can be found using the grades/course_grades endpoint. |
grades_id_2 *
The grades id of the course grades that needs to be fetched. Grade ids can be found using the grades/course_grades endpoint. |
Code | Description |
200 |
successful operation
{ "title": "COMPSCI 162", "subtitle": "Operating Systems and System Programming", "course_id": 2337, "course_letter": "B+", "course_gpa": 3.187, "section_letter": "B+", "section_gpa": 3.365, "denomintor": 464, "A+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "A": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "A-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "B-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C+": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "C-": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "D": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "F": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "P": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 }, "NP": { "numerator": 103, "percent": 0.24, "percentile_low": 0.72, "percentile_high": 0.96 } } |
Query previous enrollment details
[GET] /api/enrollment/enrollment_json/
View all courses that we have enrollment information forName | Description |
If set to 'long', returns the title of each course as well. Available values : long |
[GET] /api/enrollment/sections/{course_id}/
Find all semesters this course was offered.Name | Description |
course_id *
The course id of the course enrollment that needs to be fetched. Course ids can be found using the enrollment/enrollment_json endpoint. |
[GET] /api/enrollment/aggregate/{course_id}/{semester}/{year}/
Find enrollment for a specific offering.Name | Description |
course_id *
The course id of the course enrollment that needs to be fetched. Course ids can be found using the enrollment/enrollment_json endpoint. |
semester *
Specifies which semester to query the enrollment information from (ex: fall). |
year *
Specifies which year to query the enrollment information from (ex: 2020). |
Code | Description |
200 |
successful operation
{ "course_id": 2337, "title": "COMPSCI 162", "subtitle": "Operating Systems and System Programming", "section_id": "all", "section_name": "All Sections", "enrolled_max": 300, "enrolled_scale_max": 545, "enrolled_percent_max": 1.8183000000000002, "waitlisted_max": 300, "waitlisted_scale_max": 330, "waitlisted_percent_max": 1.1, "data": [ { "date": "10/13/2019-00:00:00", "day": 182, "enrolled": 487, "enrolled_max": 300, "enrolled_percent": 1.623, "waitlisted": 0, "waitlisted_max": 92, "waitlisted_percent": 0 } ], "telebears": { "semester": "Fall 2019", "phase1_start_date": "10/16/2017-00:00:00", "phase1_start_day": 1, "phase1_end_date": 68, "phase2_start_date": "10/16/2017-00:00:00", "phase2_start_day": 106, "phase2_end_date": 126, "adj_start_date": "10/16/2017-00:00:00", "adj_start_day": 127 } } |
courses | [course_short{
course | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/coursecourse{
last_enrollment_update | string example: 2020-01-01 00:00:00 |
requirements | [ example: List [ "Computer Science", "4 Units", "Quantitative Reasoning", "Spring 2020" ] string] |
favorited | boolean default: false |
ongoing | boolean default: true |
cover_photo | string example: GENERIC |
sections | [/assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/sectionsection{
ongoing_sections | [/assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/sectionsection{
semester | string example: fall |
instructor | string example: CULLER, D |
year | string example: 2019 |
section_number | string example: 1 |
grade_id | integer example: 407490 |
course_id | integer example: 2337 |
title | string example: COMPSCI 162 |
subtitle | string example: Operating Systems and System Programming |
section_id | string example: all |
section_name | string example: All Sections |
enrolled_max | integer example: 300 |
enrolled_scale_max | integer example: 545 |
enrolled_percent_max | number($float) example: 1.8183000000000002 |
waitlisted_max | integer example: 300 |
waitlisted_scale_max | integer example: 330 |
waitlisted_percent_max | number($float) example: 1.1 |
data | [/assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/enrollment_dataenrollment_data{
telebears | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/enrollment_telebearsenrollment_telebears{
units | string example: 4.0 |
description | string example: Basic concepts of operating system |
title | string example: Operating Systems and System Programming |
prerequisits | string example: COMPSCI 61B, COMPSCI 61C, and COMPSCI 70. |
abbreviation | string example: COMPSCI |
enrolled_percentage | number($float) example: 1 |
department | string example: Computer Science |
enrolled_max | integer example: 400 |
waitlisted | integer example: 0 |
enrolled | integer example: 400 |
grade_average | number($float) example: 3.18664596273292 |
course_number | string example: 162 |
id | integer example: 2337 |
letter_average | string example: B+ |
id | integer example: 2337 |
course_number | string example: 162 |
abbreviation | string example: COMPSCI |
title | string example: Operating Systems and System Programming |
id | integer example: 2337 |
course_number | string example: 162 |
abbreviation | string example: COMPSCI |
title | string example: Operating Systems and System Programming |
semester | string example: fall |
instructor | string example: CULLER, D |
year | string example: 2019 |
section_number | string example: 1 |
grade_id | integer example: 407490 |
title | string example: COMPSCI 162 |
subtitle | string example: Operating Systems and System Programming |
course_id | integer example: 2337 |
course_letter | string example: B+ |
course_gpa | number($float) example: 3.187 |
section_letter | string example: B+ |
section_gpa | number($float) example: 3.365 |
denomintor | integer example: 464 |
A+ | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{
A | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
A- | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
B+ | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
B | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
B- | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
C+ | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
C | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
C- | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
D | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
F | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
P | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} | ||||||||
NP | /assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/grade_bingrade_bin{...} |
numerator | integer example: 103 |
percent | number($float) example: 0.24 |
percentile_low | number($float) example: 0.72 |
percentile_high | number($float) example: 0.96 |
semester | string example: fall |
year | string example: 2019 |
sections | [/assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/enrollment_shortenrollment_short{
semester | string example: fall |
year | string example: 2019 |
sections | [/assets/swagger.yaml#/definitions/enrollment_shortenrollment_short{
instructor | string example: CULLER D |
section_number | string example: 001 |
section_id | integer example: 222612 |
date | string example: 10/13/2019-00:00:00 |
day | integer example: 182 |
enrolled | integer example: 487 |
enrolled_max | integer example: 300 |
enrolled_percent | number($float) example: 1.623 |
waitlisted | integer example: 0 |
waitlisted_max | integer example: 92 |
waitlisted_percent | number($float) example: 0 |
semester | string example: Fall 2019 |
phase1_start_date | string example: 10/16/2017-00:00:00 |
phase1_start_day | integer example: 1 |
phase1_end_date | integer example: 68 |
phase2_start_date | string example: 10/16/2017-00:00:00 |
phase2_start_day | integer example: 106 |
phase2_end_date | integer example: 126 |
adj_start_date | string example: 10/16/2017-00:00:00 |
adj_start_day | integer example: 127 |