Add bulk operations support to any Spring RESTful API by a single annotation @EnableBulkApi.
Allow user to define a list of RESTful operations by JSON,
and send them to server-side for bulk actions.
For simplicity, spring-bulk-api doesn't deal with any of security issues.
Server-side should set up the Spring security for safety concerns.
Ex: enable basic authentication and SSL, disable CSRF protection... etc.
@RequestMapping allows user to define the url in the path property instead of value property.
(ex: @ResuestMapping(path="/index"), @RequestMapping(value="/index")).
Before v0.6.0, the path value of @ResuestMapping(path="/index") is not read to spring-bulk-api,
this bug has been fixed since v0.6.0.
Add @EnableBulkApi to enable bulk API
public class WebConfig {
Since v0.6.0, following Spring mapping annotations are supported
Since v0.5.0, @AcceptBulk is added to provide more controls
public class HomeController {
// Not allow bulk operations
public void index() {
// Allow bulk operations
public void home() {
Since v0.4.0, @Bulkable is required to be annotated on the controller which accepts bulk operations
public class HomeController {
By default path is /bulk and limit to 100 operations, it can be configured by Spring
spring.bulk.api.path=/batch # default is /bulk
spring.bulk.api.limit=200 # default is 100
# POST /bulk
# Content-Type: application/json
"operations": [
{"method": "GET", "url": "/home"},
{"method": "POST", "url": "/posts/new", "params": {"title": "My Dream"}},
{"method": "DELETE", "url": "/posts/123", "headers": {"Authentication": "Basic ..."}}
- url - the API endpoint, relative to your application context path. (required)
- method - the HTTP method(GET, POST, DELETE ...etc.) Default is GET. (optional)
- params - the HTTP parameters to the API. (optional)
- headers - a hash of of headers which should be included in this operation. (optional)
- silent - if it's set to true, there is no result created in the response for this operation. (optional)
"results": [
{"status": 200, "body": "Welcome!", "headers": {}},
{"status": 201, "body": {"id": 222, "title": "My Dream"}, "headers": {}}
- status - the HTTP status.
- body - the response body.
- headers - the headers of single result.
public BulkApiService bulkApiService(ApplicationContext appCtx) {
return new DefaultBulkApiService(appCtx)
By default, the DefaultBulkApiService will be autowired automatically, you don't need to provide it.
However you can extend the DefaultBulkApiService to provide your custom implementation or implement the BulkApiService interface by your own.