This mini project is inspired by dspinellis word game
Makes use of Regular Expressions and Selenium with Python. So, in order to use it, one should install Selenium and include Selenium Webdriver in an appopriate directory. I used geckodriver and so, I included it in the repo but should one want to use another browser, the relevant webdriver file should be included.
Also, the revelant directory should be included in user's PATH variable. This is normally done on Linux Systems with:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory
Further details on Selenium can be found on Selenium website or Selenium Github.
Here is a video that shows an example Game Play.
- User executes the wordle script which opens a Firefox browser
- Browser visits the relevant webpage
- Closes the initial modal
- Proceeds to pay the game according to the rules
The bot tries to guess the word in 5 games, effectively leaving a last one for the user-human.