Learning SQL and non-SQL and webscrapping to complete 3 projects in a team, that we called Crucual Data Team.
The course, Data Management for Analytics, provides an introduction to the database management and data analytics. The course emphasizes the understanding of the fundamentals of database design, ranging from the relational database model to entity relationship modeling, to normalization and to implementation, including both the basic structured query language (SQL) and advanced SQL such as procedure and Trigger. The course also provides an understanding of new developments and trends such as No-SQL (and database on AWS if time allowed). Finally, the course will deliver unstructured data analytics tools, including web scraping using beautifulsoup, selenium and API, textual analysis such as topic modeling and sentim
- The students will be confident to solve Database problems in their job interviews
- The students will be able to build or query Database in their future jobs
- The students will be capability work effectively as a group leader or member
- The students will be capability to develop advanced presentation skills in presenting their works
- The students will be well prepared for MSA 8770 Text Analytics, offered in Fall 2021 and for the sprint projects
At the completion of this course, students are expected to obtain the following:
SLO1: When asked about the concepts in database, students should be able to:
- SLO1.1: Explain in own words concepts in both SQL and NO-SQL
- SLO1.2: Differentiate between SQl and NO-SQL
SLO2: When asked about the concepts in database, students should be able to:
- SLO2.1: Build a SQL, NoSQL database in their devices or on AWS
- SLO2.2: Implement query in both SQL, NO-SQL databases, and database on AWS
SLO3: When asked about the data analytics, students should be able to:
- SLO3.1: Differentiate between structured and unstructured data
- SLO3.2: Extract useful information for unstructured data using Web Scraping
- SLO3.3: Differentiate between unsupervised and supervised learning framework, and be able to implement textual analysis including topic model and sentiment analysis for textual data
- MongoDB
- MySQL <//: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/tutorial.html ://>
- Topic Modeling <//: https://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume3/blei03a/blei03a.pdf ://>
- Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris. Database systems: Design, Implementation, & Management. 13th Edition. Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1337627900
- Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques. 3rd Edition. Elsevier. ISBN-10: 0123814790.
- readme.md
- scripts
- documents
---- project 1 - database
---- project 2
---- project 3