Control logic for ski press. Includes a poor-man's PID along with ability to configure and monitor a run. Pressing is dangerous! This software is designed to work with pressure vessels which should they fail could kill you and cause a lot of damage. Use at your own risk and only with a full understanding of what could go wrong.
- Raspberry Pi
- Custom PCB
- Contains GPIO Expansion chips & A2D converter
- Solid State Relays
- Solenoid valves
- Temperature Sensors -- top and bottom heat blanket
- Optically isolated from the rest of the board
- Use SPI protocol
- Pressure Sensor -- monitor air bladder pressure
- Input from A2D converter
- Pots
- Used for manually setting configuration
- Input from A2D converter
- Selector Switches
- Used for manually setting configuration, starting/stopping runs, overriding relay positions
- 4x20 Character LCD -- display status
- 16 LEDs -- also display status
- Solid State Relays -- control heat blankets and solenoids for air bladders
To run on a fresh install of Raspbian:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git build-essential python-dev python-pip python-smbus git
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO
cd ~
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
sudo python install
cd ../Adafruit_Python_MAX31855
sudo python install
cd ../Adafruit_Python_MCP3008
sudo python install