Custom training with OpenAI CLIP; classification tasks; zero-shot examples; and a fully dockerised web-service for inference.
After cloning this repository, please create a Conda environment as depicted below:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Once the Conda environment has been created and activated, you can have a tast of how the code is behaving by running the unit tests. Execute the command below:
Depending on the amount of tests added over time, the output should look something like this:
===================================== test session starts =====================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/wilderrodrigues/dev/git/artificially-ai/clip-mania
collected 8 items
test/test_core/ .. [ 25%]
test/test_core/ .. [ 50%]
test/test_dataset/ .. [ 75%]
test/test_dataset/ .. [100%]
===================================== 8 passed in 22.74s ======================================
To understand how the mode is trained, you can have a look at the test executor, which performs a quick test just to make sure the code is working fine. The same piece of code is used in the training application.
Before you proceed to train with your dataset, please check below how you have to structure it.
To get your custom dataset working you don't have to do much, only preparing the directory structure should be enough.
The directory structure that the system expects is depicted below:
-> dataset
-> train
-> dog
-> cat
-> eval
-> dog
-> cat
-> test
-> dog
-> cat
Before you start training, please install CLIP Mania (make sure that the Conda environment has been created and is activate):
pip install .[dev]
The command above will also install the development dependencies, which includes pytest
After that, the training can be started with command below:
python -m clip_mania.application.train --dataset_path ./dataset/devdays/train --model_output_path .
The name of the model file to be saved is defaulted to '' under the given --model_output_path
The repository provides a few ways to infer the classes of unseen images.
To be able to run the inference on top of your test dataset, the project requires that the dataset is structured in the following way:
-> dataset
-> train
-> dog
-> cat
-> eval
-> dog
-> cat
-> test
-> dog
-> cat
For inference we will be using the test
directory, meaning that its absolute path has to be informed when running
the Inference Application.
The code below should help you to get the inference running. For now, we have no plots and no metrics being displayed. However, we are logging the tru class, the predicted class and the probability. Soon we will have some better metrics and plots in place.
python -m clip_mania.application.inference --test_dataset_path /path/to/dataset/test --model_path ./
We got the results!
From our 503 images test dataset, covering 8 classes, we achieved quite interesting results. It's important to mention that the images are crops from the COCO dataset. We will spend some time collecting images to create small datasets to test Few/Zero-Shot tasks against CLIP-Mania. For instance, identifying people, animals, home appliances, etc.
We will leave you to the results now.
- AUC: 0.9917
- Classification Report:
precision recall f1-score support
boat 1.00 0.94 0.97 79
airplane 0.98 0.98 0.98 60
motorcycle 0.96 0.98 0.97 54
bus 0.79 0.94 0.86 69
truck 0.83 0.73 0.78 81
bicycle 0.96 0.98 0.97 46
car 0.71 0.64 0.67 47
train 0.90 0.97 0.94 67
accuracy 0.89 503
macro avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 503
weighted avg 0.89 0.89 0.89 503
All the information above is available in a Jupyter Notebook. If you can'' load it (sometimes GitHub doesn't want to), please check it here: CLIP-Manil - results
I would like to thank the GitHub user vinson2233 for the initial code snipped. Some adjustments and bug fixes were enough to get it to work.
@article{Artificially Advanced Intelligence - (2A)^I,
title={Wild, wilder, wildest: Few and Zero-Shot Learning on Custom Datasets},
author={Wilder Rodrigues},